Psychological Hacks To Stay Motivated | The Odyssey Online
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How To Stay Motivated Every Day

A Compilation of Excellent Advice To Give You The Motivation You Need

a tired person seeing light at the end of the tunnel, the energy they need to feel motivated
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Day in, day out. We go through our routines. Of course, we don't always feel our best, but there are often high expectations from others – at work, at school, or in other daily interactions.

So how do you stay motivated? Whether you're feeling ill, depressed, or you just need a pick-me-up, there are plenty of things you can do, and do regularly, to keep your spirits high and full of motivation.

Psychological Hacks To Stay Motivated

6 Theories Of Motivation

person ponders theories of motivationLora Goody

Motivation refers to the psychological processes that drive and direct behavior toward achieving goals. Several theories of motivation have been proposed by psychologists and researchers over the years. Here is an overview of some prominent theories of motivation.

Best Ways to Stay Motivated Throughout the Work Week

building blocks to target successMilhi jori

Making it through the work week can seem like a herculean effort, with a thousand tasks standing between you and your goals. The good news is that everyone's motivation wanes from time to time, and there are concrete steps you can take to get it back again.

6 Ways To Reconnect With Your Routine And Motivate Your Life

person runs early in the morningGrand Canyon University

From writing daily to waking up early in order to exercise, routines are an essential component of surviving the mountain of distractions and obligations available to every adult. Reconnecting with your routines is often harder to do the longer you shelve them, but eventually, you may find yourself missing the days when you had higher productivity and a steady sleep schedule.

15 Daily Affirmations To Increase Your Positive Vibes

woman celebrates on hiking trailTemple University

Affirmations are short, repeated positive statements that are meant to help reprogram some of your thought patterns and change the ways you feel and think about some things. They are designed to help you focus on your goals and get rid of the negative thoughts you have in your unconscious mind. Here are some that I find to be particularly helpful in staying positive! [READ ON]

Living By The Goldilocks Rule, Finding What's Just Right For You

person sits on a mountaintop pondering lifeThe Narrative

If you constantly live your life trying to push yourself beyond you limits, it can exhaust you. If you focus on the things you're good at and never try to expand your horizons, you're not going to get very far. There is a happy medium in between the two that following can help you balance a healthy lifestyle.

20 Quotes That Will Make You Smile Today

exhausted woman lays in the grassTarisha Clark

Welcome to a new day and a new opportunity to be our best selves. Here's a list of 20 quotes about self-care, self-love, positivity, and finding inspiration. Carry these quotes with you throughout your day for upliftment!

Inspiration To Lift You Up

10 Greatest Speeches In Modern American History

Martin Luther King Jr. delivers famous speechHaley Powell

Rhetoric, in all its forms, arrives under the scrutiny of historians both for its historical impact and literary value. Dozens of speeches have rallied the nation together.

Get Inspired: 10 Life-Changing Michael Scott Quotes

Michael Scott of The OfficeTemple University

Whether you need motivation or just a laugh, Michael Scott has a quote for you! "I'd like to start today by inspiring you." -Michael Scott

50 Valuable Life Lessons Shared by a Senior Citizen

Morgan Barrett

"Never regret a day of your life: The good days give you happiness, the bad days give you experience, the worst days give you lessons, and the best days give you memories."

13 Taylor Swift Lyrics That Are Sure To Inspire You

Taylor Swift performs in concertLaura Mays

Although A LOT of her lyrics, and some of the best, are awfully sad and tragic, she has written many pretty inspiring and positive lyrics. You may not feel these as deeply as some of her others, but these lyrics showcase some of Taylor's underrated power of positivity.

Why Being You Rocks

woman enjoys peaceful sunset by the lakeChris Deaver

How do you achieve your full potential if when you think of success you’re constantly haunted by that pervasive “rockstar”? Here’s what I’ve learned: Stop comparing yourself to others, because Being You Rocks.

11 Quotes For When You Need That Spark Of Inspiration

sparkler goes off with bright lightThe Narrative

Sometimes you need a bit of inspiration to help you get the motivation you need to complete a task and these quotes will give you just that.

Secrets To Living A Better Life

Ways to Practice Self-Healing

woman holds crystal ballRutgers University

One thing I have learned about healing and recovering wounds is that there will always be people who are "there for you" but it is meaningless if we are not there for ourselves first. We have to be our biggest fans and support system (me, myself, and I). [READ ON]

5 Tips of Chill

sun kisses flowers in the morningTowson University

Whether it is your realization that you rushed yourself again into a one-sided relationship, or any more shenanigans, don’t panic. Don’t hate yourself or the world. Practice these 5 things to chill and live a better life. [READ ON]

Take One Step at a Time

woman walks slowly in a fieldTambria Marsh

I think of myself as a futuristic gal. Someone that struggles to live in the moment, all I want to do is see and know what is next. For these past few years, I've realized that I like to be in control and it stresses me out not to know what is next. [READ ON]

It’s Ok To Be Not Ok

Erica Yao

Thanks to my friends, family, and people who cared about me, luckily, depression finally left at the end of last semester. But there are people who never get a chance to see the bright world I see now. [READ ON]

5 Practical Ways To Be Kinder To Yourself, Because You Deserve The Same Love You Give To Others

woman enjoys free flowing lifestyleThe Narrative

Here are five things everyone should learn in order to be a better friend to themselves. These steps are hard, but they're so worth it.

The One Thought that Changed My Entire Attitude Towards Life

man stands on mountain top at sunsetFranklin, TN

You are probably wondering what in the world this magical, all powerful thing is that shifted my mindset. What did I do? I dialed in. I thought about what it really means to be "living" and what it means to wake up another day to get another chance.

Motivational Music

Anthems That Shaped My Life

woman listens to music in futuristic settingМилица Јовановић

These songs remind us to believe in ourselves, embrace growth, and face challenges head-on. They teach us the value of relying on ourselves, following our paths, and not letting others dictate our lives. We should also confront the impact of technology on our well-being and explore ways to disconnect and be present in the real world. Let's not forget about the art of effective communication, too!

Empowering Vibes: 10 Songs About Being Enough

artist performs in shadow with light behind himStephanie Chang

Everyone has bad days. Maybe you sleep through all of your alarms, or miss an important deadline. In times of distress, we turn to music. Whether that means listening to an upbeat tune to perk us up or a sad, slow ballad that pulls on just the right heartstrings, music is universal and never fails to bring our spirits up.

13 Songs To Listen To When You Need A Mood Booster

woman lays down listening to musicRutgers University

Everyone has those days (or weeks) where they're feeling down in the dumps and for me, one of the ways I can get out of that rut is by listening to some songs that make me want to dance or sing along. Here are 15 songs to listen to when you've caught a case of the blues.

9 Great Tunes To Start The Day Off Amazing

man listens to music during snowstormUniversity of Missouri

I don't know about you, but waking to a cold morning is a sure fire way to put me in a bad mood. If you are a night owl like me, a good playlist and a cup of coffee could make all the difference. So in this article, I will list songs that I promise will help you through those morning blues.

11 Songs That Will Hit You In The Feels, No Doubt About It

a cassette with yellow labelUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

We all have that one playlist that we resort to when we are really feeling some type of way — also known as a "feels" playlist.

Five Christian Songs for Those Struggling Right Now

mountain landscapeNya1998

Over the past year, I've struggled more with my mental health than at any other point in my life. These five songs have helped me through my hardest times.

More Ways To Get Your Mind Right

10 Positive Ideas To Start Your Day Off Right

year of positive thinking bookMiami University

This year I have been focused on creating my own happiness and thinking more positively towards life and my circumstances. I've been inspired by a book "A Year of Positive Thinking, Daily Inspiration, Wisdom, and Courage" by Cyndie Spiegel. Some of my favorite quotes from this book has gotten me through some hard times and have made me start my day, and sometimes my week, off great. Here are some entries I've enjoyed the most.

Change Your Mindset, Your Mind Needs It

person tries to meditate to change mindsetgianacapri23

Keeping a positive mindset is very difficult. There are always negative thoughts of self-doubt and self-sabotage that can linger in your mind, preventing any positivity. Getting into a routine and doing activities that can help your mindset are ways to improve positive thoughts flowing through your mind instead of negative ones.

Be Kind to Yourself: 8 Mental Health Tips to Try

brain exercises for better mental powerMillennials of Upstate NY

One way you can improve your quality of life is to take care of your mental health. As a result, you'll feel less depressed and be able to enjoy spending time with friends and family more often. These mental health tips might be just what you need to forget your problems.

The Power of Faith

man prays in fieldEmory University

As I grow older and wiser, Ive come to realize two things, 1. you can't do it alone and 2. believe in something or fall for anything. There is something powerful about having faith. Faith in God, faith in yourself, faith in your partner/spouse, faith in your kids, faith in your friends, faith in strangers, you get the point.

4 Ways To Avoid The Trap Of Toxic Positivity

woman glows in blue lightJessica Sparks

Toxic positivity is often an abundance of emotions that are confused and do not have a productive place to "go". No matter how well-intentioned it may be, toxic positivity is neither sustainable nor a healthy mechanism of facing obstacles. Let's redirect these uncomfortable and negative emotions in 4 different ways to free ourselves of the trap of toxic positivity.

I'm Learning To Prioritize Positivity Over Panic Because I Know That My Thoughts Have Power

woman smiles in open fieldThe Narrative

Although I think it is great to strive for goals, it is important to keep them realistic and attainable. We all have challenges. Whether it be mentally, physically, or financially, we are all affected in one way or another by challenges along the way. I know I want to make some positive changes in my life, and I know I'm not alone.

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two women enjoying confetti

Summer: a time (usually) free from school work and a time to relax with your friends and family. Maybe you go on a vacation or maybe you work all summer, but the time off really does help. When you're in college you become super close with so many people it's hard to think that you won't see many of them for three months. But, then you get that text saying, "Hey, clear your schedule next weekend, I'm coming up" and you begin to flip out. Here are the emotions you go through as your best friend makes her trip to your house.

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Student Life

Syllabus Week As Told By Kourtney Kardashian

Feeling Lost During Syllabus Week? You're Not Alone!

Kourtney Kardashian

Winter break is over, we're all back at our respective colleges, and the first week of classes is underway. This is a little bit how that week tends to go.

The professor starts to go over something more than the syllabus

You get homework assigned on the first day of class

There are multiple group projects on the syllabus

You learn attendance is mandatory and will be taken every class

Professor starts chatting about their personal life and what inspired them to teach this class

Participation is mandatory and you have to play "icebreaker games"

Everybody is going out because its 'syllabus week' but you're laying in bed watching Grey's Anatomy

Looking outside anytime past 8 PM every night of this week

Nobody actually has any idea what's happening this entire week

Syllabus week is over and you realize you actually have to try now...or not

Now it's time to get back into the REAL swing of things. Second semester is really here and we all have to deal with it.

panera bread

Whether you specialized in ringing people up or preparing the food, if you worked at Panera Bread it holds a special place in your heart. Here are some signs that you worked at Panera in high school.

1. You own so many pairs of khaki pants you don’t even know what to do with them

Definitely the worst part about working at Panera was the uniform and having someone cute come in. Please don’t look at me in my hat.

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1. Nails done hair done everything did / Oh you fancy huh

You're pretty much feeling yourself. New haircut, clothes, shoes, everything. New year, new you, right? You're ready for this semester to kick off.

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7 Ways to Make Your Language More Transgender and Nonbinary Inclusive

With more people becoming aware of transgender and non-binary people, there have been a lot of questions circulating online and elsewhere about how to be more inclusive. Language is very important in making a space safer for trans and non-binary individuals. With language, there is an established and built-in measure of whether a place could be safe or unsafe. If the wrong language is used, the place is unsafe and shows a lack of education on trans and non-binary issues. With the right language and education, there can be more safe spaces for trans and non-binary people to exist without feeling the need to hide their identities or feel threatened for merely existing.

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