Nostalgic Things From The 2000s: Songs, Shows, Styles & More
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2000s Things That Will Make You Nostalgic

From iPods to MySpace, We're Bringing You Back To The 2000s

Nostalgic 2000s era references
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It's wild that we're already in the 2020s, isn't it?

Let's take a trip back to simpler times, walking down memory lane to the 2000s.

George W. Bush and Barack Obama were the U.S. Presidents at the time. The iPod (2001) and iPhone (2007) were new inventions. MySpace (2003) was the first big social network with Facebook (2004) and Twitter (2006) not far behind. YouTube (2005) was born. The New England Patriots won 3 Super Bowls in 4 years (2001, 2003, 2004). You can feel the era just reading this, can't you?

Without further ado, here are plenty more 2000s things guaranteed to make you feel nostalgic:

2000s Music

25 Songs That Were On Your iPod In Middle School

iPod with 1,000s of songs on itThe State University of New York at Stony Brook

If you ever wanted to take a trip down memory lane (via your ears), then look no further, for I have the perfect nostalgia fix for you – 25 songs that you had very likely had on your iPod back in middle school, or at least heard on the radio at some point in your life!

Nostalgic 2000s Songs: 100 Throwback Hits From Your Childhood

Justin Timberlake performs in the 2000sAlpharetta, Georgia

If you were anything like me, you came home from school, plopped on the couch and jammed to Radio Disney. You've heard these songs at school dances, parties and on the radio, and you probably still know all the words. Despite most of your favorite childhood artists pursuing different careers, these throwback hits will always be there to comfort you!

16 Throwback Songs That Gave Childhood Me Some Big Feelings

performer in 2000sFlorida State University

Flashback to 2009. You're back in middle school. It's 10 p.m. on a school night and you're listening to music on your iPod Nano (or iPod Shuffle/iPod Touch). You're laying in bed, screaming your heart out. You're sad, and your heart is broken... or is it?

10 Radio Disney Hits You Might Have Forgotten That Will Really Hit You With Some Nostalgia

Disney performer in the 2000sProvidence College

In a fit of nostalgia this past summer, I put together a 76 song Radio Disney throwback playlist. It's the perfect set list for a car concert, shower jam sesh, or kick-ass karaoke night.

20 Songs You Won't Believe Turn 20 This Year

Brittney Spears performs in 2000sPennsylvania State University

As I say goodbye to my teenage years, here is a list of songs that are turning 20 in the year 2020 — some of these may shock you! Yes, these songs are in fact two decades old.

10 Songs You Definitely Had On Your iPod Shuffle

throwback logos of 2000s bandsPennsylvania State University

As soon as you heard about it, you just had to get your hands on an iPod shuffle. Yes, it may not have had a screen, and yes, you couldn't see what song was coming next, but to you, it was the greatest thing in the entire world.

2000s TV & Entertainment

50 Nostalgic Shows You Watched As A Kid In The Early 2000s

Throwback television show from 2000sAriel J Sabo

"Hey, everyone I'm Ariel Sabo and you're watching Disney Channel." Anyone remember and love this line as much as I do? Whether it was Disney, Pixar, Nickelodeon or whatever... here are the top 50 shows you watched as a kid in the early 2000s.

The Top 50 Most Iconic Theme Songs Of Our Childhood

TV theme songs from the 2000sCaleb Baldwin

To reminisce on those times when you were a little tyke sitting in your living room watching cartoons, I've put together a list of the top 50 most iconic theme songs of our childhood!

5 Forgotten, But Great, Disney Channel Original Movies

Disney Channel logoMaddie Eckels Once household names, many Disney Channel movies have become distant memories for kids who grew up in the early 2000s. Here's my list of the top forgotten.

11 Christmas Movies You'll Remember If You Were A 2000s Kid

Christmas movie in 2000sRowan University

As a kid who grew up in the 2000s, I can think of some of my favorite staple Christmas movies. If you're looking for recommendations or just a walk down memory lane, check out this list.

The 2000s Era Itself

10 Memories From The Early 2000s Because Life Was Easier Then

Kids have fun together in the 2000sPennsylvania State University

Recess, the mall, clothing... we're going to take you back and unlock memories you forgot existed. The early 2000s, let's be frank, life was just easier then.

9 Iconic Styles From Your Childhood You'll Want To Bring Back After Binging On Disney+

2000s style as seen on the Disney ChannelMichigan State University

Our dreams have come true, Disney+ is here. All the nostalgia is hitting and our middle school closets are calling us home. Here are nine iconic styles you're going to want to recreate once you binge Disney+.

9 Things You Know To Be True If You're Caught Between Being A Millennial And A Gen-Zer

A millennial and gen-zer meet each otherMillennials of New Jersey

I was born in 1997, which either is right on the cusp of millennial and Gen Z, or Gen Z through and through. Either way, there are some millennial things that I remember, and some Z things I definitely remember, but there are also things associated with both generations that I just can't identify with.

10 Nostalgic Apps From The 2000s

Face App from 2000sOhio University

If you were anything like me, you had an iPod touch somewhere between the years of 2009-2012. The apps we had on our iPod back then were vastly different from the ones we have now. Here are some nostalgic apps that you likely had in the 2000's.

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the beatles
Wikipedia Commons

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This semester, I was waitlisted for two classes. Most people in this situation, especially first years, freak out because they don't know what to do. Here is what you should do when this happens.

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