Top 10 Most Memorable 'Jersey Shore' Moments
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Top 10 Most Memorable 'Jersey Shore' Moments

DTR. Down To Rank the Shore.

Top 10 Most Memorable 'Jersey Shore' Moments

In light of Pauly D's and Vinny's new spinoff show "Double Shot at Love", here are some of the most memorable moments from the original show which made them famous.


10. "Cabs are Here"

in season 3 episode 7, Sam and Ron finally ran the course of their toxic relationship. Through the ups and the downs of the 3 seasons, the fighting seemed too repetitive. However, in this particular episode, Sam decides to leave and go home in order to relieve the stress from the constant fighting. This was a monumental moment in the show because it pointed to a better future and eventual healing of Ron and Sam's relationship.

9. "Back to the Shore"

In season 3 episode 1, after leaving Miami with tensions between the girls due to situations between Ron and Sam a fight immediately breaks out. Sam and Jwoww end up fighting because words were said about Ron and Sam's relationship and the fact that Sam had previously ended her friendships between the girls in the house. This episode was a monumental fight between the girls which set the scene for season 3.

8. "Free Vinny"

In season 5 episode 4, the house realizes how much they miss and need Vinny back in the house to function normally. Vinny had previously left the house due to his anxiety and homesickness. The group decided they had enough of missing their best friend and went to go kidnap him. This was a monumental part of the show because it demonstrated how much of a family the members of the house were. Also, it was priceless to see Pauly D and Vinny reunite.

7. "We are a Family"

in season 5 episode 11, the shore family experience Hurricane Irene. Even though the season was filled with a bunch of drama, the hurricane brought the family closer together. This episode was exciting yet sad to watch because of all the drama and distress.

6. "Where's My Boyfriend?"

During season 4 episode 8, the gang is in Italy. Snooki has Jionni come to Italy to spend time with her. During this episode, Snooki has too much fun at the club and not only makes Jionni run out of the club because of her, but she gets into a heated argument with Jwoww. This episode is important because it was the first time we saw Jionni and one of the biggest arguments between Jwoww and Snooki. Ultimately, everything ends up okay but the episode definitely kept the audience on the edge of seats.

5. "Free Snooki"

In season 3 episode 4, Not only does Snooki get released from jail due to public intoxication, but Jwoww undergoes a rough breakup with her ex-boyfriend, Tom. The breakup results in Jwoww's house being left destroyed and her dogs abandoned. Snooki and Jwoww need to go rescue the dogs and clean the house from how Tom left it. In this episode, the audience gets to see how close Jenni and Nicole are to each other, which is very heartwarming.

4. "Toxic Shots Syndrome"

In season 6 episode 3, Snooki announces her pregnancy to the gang. At this point, the family becomes closer together and understand everyone will soon be starting a new chapter in their lives. Snooki leaves the original house and moves next door, so they can all still be close. This foreshadows the show coming to an end but is bittersweet.

3. "And the Wall Won"

During season 4 episode 5, Mike and Ron get into a huge argument. This argument results in Mike slamming his head against the wall in order to prove his dominance in the SITUATION. Ultimately, Mike goes to the hospital and needs to remain in a neck brace for 7 days. This episode left the audience wondering how the rest of the season would play out and if Mike was going to be okay. Everyone in the house was emotional and felt the argument between the two, which made the experience for all of them worse.

2. "Breaking Up"

During season 2 episode 4, Snooki and Jwoww take it upon themselves to write an "anonymous letter" to Sam in order to tell her about Ron cheating on her. This letter was made in all good intentions, obviously, but made a framework for the rest of the season. This letter became a historic part of the family falling apart and getting back together and will forever be remembered when thinking about the show.

1. "New Family"

Season 1 episode 1 is where it all started, so obviously it comes as the number one most memorable moment on the show. This episode introduced us to the cast which we know and love today. Little did all of those little guidos and guidettes know they would become a family and continue on to have more seasons and multiple spinoffs of the show.

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