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Figuring Out The First Test Week Of The Semester, With Leslie Knope

"We have to remember what's important in life: friends waffles and work. Or waffles, friends, work. But work has to come third."

Figuring Out The First Test Week Of The Semester, With Leslie Knope

The first test week of the semester usually goes something like this...

Build yourself up!


Build up that self-esteem way in advance. If you know you are going to fail it, write yourself that encouragement letter. You deserve it!

Make that time for YOU!


Honestly, more love and more action are key. Love yourself enough to take breaks, but also love yourself enough to take action!!!

We all feel this way.


Maybe you waited till the last minute and are struggling. Keep going, take a deep breath, and realize that as soon as its over, you can go home and take a nap.

Reach out to friends for help you may need. 


Leslie slayed on asking people for help. You can do this.

Get to the test, and maybe it is 4 different chapters that you didn't look at. 


Don't forget to bring shaving cream to send that professor out the door.

But maybe you left the test, and actually feel like you kill it. 


I mean, if you feel like you did good, no one is hating.

But then you get that test back, and realize that you are down a hole unless you get some extra credit. 


Office hours, here we come.

"Sorry, I have already told you, I do not give extra credit."


The cursed words you never want to hear.

And the class average comes back, and its 97, and you feel dumb.


Honestly, what went wrong? Time to drop out.

The week is over, and you somehow have to figure out how to make a 96 in each class for the rest of the semester to keep your GPA. 


"I'm sorry, does anyone have a pillow I can scream in?" Happy Test Week!!!

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