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To Every Girl About To Go Through Sorority Recruitment, Some Advice From The Other Side

Advice to you while you take the summer to prepare.

To Every Girl About To Go Through Sorority Recruitment, Some Advice From The Other Side
Photo by Gracie Swift

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It's crazy to think that about a year ago, I decided to sign up for the sorority recruitment process in that upcoming fall at Arizona State University.

I honestly spent the summer not giving it much thought. By not much thought I mean - I didn't have my outfits planned out for each round until maybe a week or two before... and in all honesty, I wasn't sure if I wanted to go through the recruitment process at all. All my friends were, so I decided... why not try?

I worked at Free People last summer and there were always girls asking about clothes that looked a certain way for whatever round they were planning for... just blah blah I didn't really understand the hype. I didn't realize that THAT much effort went into this process. Yes, I, of course, was planning on dressing cute and buying a new outfit or two, but I couldn't get onto the same level as some of these other girls.

Basically, all of this preface above is to show you: I wasn't sure if I wanted to go through the recruitment and I didn't think much of it. This is to help all of you out there who might not be sure and even to the girls who are head over heels excited about going through the experience in the upcoming fall.

Just go for it!

What do you honestly have to lose? You might meet a group of girls that make you feel so at home and so loved. You will make friends along the way and not end up in the same house, or even decide that this life isn't for you. And that is OK. But you would've never known unless you gave it a shot.

Keep an open mind.

This is something I cannot stress enough. Going into recruitment at whatever school you're at, you will of already heard preconceived ideas about certain chapters from other girls, maybe social media, etc. Throw it all out of the window. Go in wanting to talk to the girls, try your best to find qualities within each house that you love, and listen to your own heart.

Be yourself.

While recruitment is fun to go through, playing dress-up and meeting new people, keep in mind that these girls are here to meet you and to get to know you. They don't want to see some version of yourself that isn't really you. If you feel like you need to act a certain way to try to get someones "approval" or "fit in," that's not the house you belong in. The house you are meant to be in will make you feel at home as soon as you sit down and have that first conversation.

Take notes!

I promise that this sounds stupid, but do it. There are so many houses that might sound the same to you before you actually know the difference. Write down little things like the girls who you talked to and the conversations you had with them. When the day ends you'll be thankful you have those notes. After going to 14 or so different houses, they will all of seemed to blend together.

Listen to your heart.

In the groups you go through the rounds with, there will be a lot of talk. Other girls in your group saying "I like this house and not this one because they're weird" or whatever. Basically, don't let other girls' opinions of houses change your viewpoints. If you love Beta Beta Beta, don't start hating it because Sally says it's weird and she loves Alpha Alpha Alpha. I talked to my mom and my Rho Gamma ONLY about the stuff I was feeling when it came down to if I want to keep a house or not. But ultimately it's your choice and go with your heart.

Don't overthink.

During my recruitment week, I really didn't sleep to be honest with you. I lay in bed and was stressed that beta theta apple pie was going to drop me, and I really didn't want them to. But when they say "everything happens for a reason," it truly does. Cheesy, but true. Just remember that all the time during this experience you're about to embark on.

It is weird to think that a year ago I wasn't sure that I was a "sorority girl" and now I am so beyond ready for August to get here so that I can see all my sisters and start recruitment festivities!

Going greek and going Alpha Chi was the best decision I have ever made. It seems overwhelming but go in with a positive attitude, willingness to meet some amazing people, and an open heart, then all of the pieces will fall into place.

Spend the summer getting excited for this experience and not overthinking or getting nervous about this. I am so excited for you and this amazing journey you are about to embark on.

I wish you the best of luck!

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