Musings On The Election Of 2016
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Musings On The Election Of 2016

My opinion on a Trump presidency.

Musings On The Election Of 2016

I am not going to prattle on about how we are doomed. I am not going to resign myself to an infinitude of despair, nor am I going to retreat into a form of subjective reality. I am going to acknowledge what has happened, and acknowledge what has come to be. With the decision that America has made thousands of lives are at stake. Members of various communities are able to be targeted by a relentless crusade whose reins are handled by the hate of the masses.

This hate has only been perpetuated by those who are incapable of empathy. It has been cultivating within the hearts of the ignorant for several years, and has finally grasped the opportunity to burst from the binds that kept it chained beneath the guise of civility. Now the lives of thousands are at stakes. The rights of women are about to be eliminated. The rights of African Americans are about to be eliminated. The rights of homosexuals are about to be eliminated. The rights of immigrants are about to be eliminated. The rights of Americans who do not conform to the majority are about to be eliminated.

We are beginning to forget our roots. We are beginning to forget basic Human empathy, and take out all of our misfortunes upon those who are of a smaller percentage than ourselves. Those who have voted for Donald Trump within this election have either forgotten, or have chosen to spit into the face of others. They have chosen to allow others to suffer instead of swallowing their pride and allowing others to coexist in the same nation as them.

I comment upon the results of this election with a great pain in realization that we have chosen to forsake some of those closest to us. It is with bewilderment that I wonder why any other woman could possibly choose to vote for Donald Trump after his destructive rhetoric, and misogynistic policies. I am curious as to why we are willing to sacrifice the rights of others only because we disagree with the economics and credibility of someone who has different beliefs than ourselves.

I do not understand why we have chosen to elect the inexperienced over the veteran. Donald Trump has never exactly stated how he will make America great other than the mass egress of immigrants, and homosexuals. Aside from building a wall, Donald Trump has done little to inform us how he will manage to save America from financial ruin; In particular he has gone bankrupt several times. If this is the case then how is it that we trust him to manage the country?

With the amount of credit he could destroy, and the amount of debt that will be accrued throughout his administration I am curious as to why we are trusting him with the Union’s financial keys. While the logical method to aiding in alleviating our financial pressure would be to deprivatize the federal reserve, Donald Trump’s record indicates that he would prefer for it to be within his own grasp.

Financial experts have indicated that one of the reasons the Dow Jones is so low has to deal with Donald Trump’s potential abuse of his new political power in an effort to ensure he has the upper hand within the economy. This is not genius, but instead a mockery of the vows every president must take in order to be sworn into office. It is a disgrace that those of us who have voted for him are promoting. The disgrace in this tactic is a blatant abuse of power, and with the amount of temperance that Donald Trump shows, it is very much a likelihood that this particular loophole will not be where the man’s shame ceases.

This shame has been a pervading sense from the genesis of the election. Donald Trump has done nothing to show remorse for it, and in fact embraced it with his so-called “locker-room” talk. Addressing the subject of this rhetoric, I once again express confusion in the women who have chosen to vote for him. I do not understand if they have voted for him due to their true beliefs, or if they have only been playing the role of a little girl by listening to the uneducated reasoning of their fathers, boyfriends, and husbands.

While I do express confusion at this decision I would also like to state that Hillary Clinton’s gender is not the express reason that I voted for her. I couldn’t care less about the gender of a candidate as long as I believe they have the capacity to accomplish the tasks set before them. In my belief Hillary Clinton is the premiere candidate out of those who were selected for the general election due to her experience, voting record, and ability she has shown consistently throughout her political career. Donald Trump has none of this, nor does he seem to exhibit the guile or cunning that is required of a politician.

I would even go on to claim that Donald Trump lacks basic communication skills. In the past, he has mocked a disabled reporter, however, it appears with his phrasing that Trump himself is little better at communicating the ideas he wishes to convey. I have found him rather difficult to follow due to his fragmented speech patterns, and the repetition becomes outright droll at some point. In accordance with his perceived incompetence through rallies, every surviving former president has stated that he does not have the capacity to run the country. In my personal opinion, he barely has the capacity to run a business without his father bailing him out. His father will not be able to bail the country out whenever he runs it further into the ground.

Regardless of how the following four years will maintain, I do see America surviving. I do not see the Republican party surviving, however, as Donald Trump has managed to crack enough fault lines within the fragile balance that will soon cause it to collapse upon itself. I will also further predict that after a Trump presidency there will never be another Republican elected to the office of president. It will merely be seen as too destructive, and full of strife.

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