Rachael Hixson on Odyssey Rachael Hixson
Rachael Hixson

Rachael Hixson

Username: rachaelhixson

Joined in August 2017

  • About

    I'm from the part of New York where the only thing to do on Friday nights is go see that screening of Aquamarine you've already watched and paid for three times or decide to remodel your entire bathroom. I look 12, but my driver's license says I'm too old to order from the kid menu. I say- They don't deserve my explanation nor do I want their crappy coloring crayons anyways.I am chatty, I am a heavy sleeper, and I try too hard to be sporty.

    So Buzzfeed, if you're reading this- I wish I could tell you I was a lot less cooler, but the truth is, I'm perfect.

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