Perverse Woman Basher For President!
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Perverse Woman Basher For President!

Donald Trump's disrespect toward women.

Perverse Woman Basher For President!

Ladies...How can we vote this man into office? Let's forget about all the other candidates and their stance on different topics of political agenda, and just focus solely on Donald Trump and his public persona. I think we should all pay attention to the person who would be, if elected, the representative face of our country. Not only that, but we should also examine what comes out of the mouth of that face. Here's a list of some of the nasty and disgusting things Donald Trump has said about women in the past.

1. Trump vs. Princess Diana

Three weeks after Princess Diana's death, Trump claimed during a Howard Stern interview that he had regrets because he could have "nailed her." He then finished by stating "she was crazy, but you know, these are minor details." Somehow, Trump deemed this appropriate public behavior. Fact: It definitely is not!

2. Trump's remarks about daughter, Ivanka Trump

There is no doubt that Ivanka Trump is beautiful, but it is in my opinion, and apparently the hosts of The View, that Donald Trump's assertion that his daughter, Ivanka, being very "voluptuous," off-putting. Trump continued to voice his incestuous thoughts toward Ivanka, by stating that "she does have a very nice figure... if she weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her." Is this the conduct of a future president? Fact: Hell no!

3. Trump vs. Hillary Clinton

Trump publicly claimed, "if Hillary Clinton can't satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America." What does this mean? That a woman's worth is between her legs, or based solely on her sexual prowess in bed? Fact: We are so much more than that!

4. Trump vs. Megyn Kelly

Donald Trump doesn't have a problem voicing his opinions for Megyn Kelly. They span anywhere from calling her a "bimbo," to alluding to her disposition toward him as having her time of the month. He said she had "blood coming out of her eyes," and "blood coming out of her...whatever." Fact: Women don't have to be on their monthly time to disagree with you sir!

5. Trump vs. Nancy O'Dell

In 2005, Donald Trump is caught on tape talking to Billy Bush, then Access Hollywood host, admitting to "moving on" Nancy O'Dell, and failing. He says, "I did try to f*ck her, she was married." He then speaks about certain body parts of O'Dell's in a vulgar manner, claiming she changed her looks, and he is therefore, no longer interested. He doesn't stop there, though. I'll preface this next part by saying, at the time, he was already in a relationship with Melania. He then talks about eating tic-tacs just in case he ends up kissing other women and grabbing them by the..., well let's just say it is extremely lewd, and he will later on claim that this was "locker room talk." Fact: Whether discussing kissing and grabbing a women without permission, despite its locker room setting, it is still considered a sexual assault, and a crime.

There are many more examples I could offer you. His comments about Rosie O'Donell, Carly Fiorina, Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton, and Angelina Jolie, which are only a part of a small list of the nasty, disgusting, filthy things Trump has spewed against women. He even has said inappropriate things about his wife, Melania, who let's not forget, could be our next First Lady. Although, the only thing this really proves is that Donald Trump's public outbursts, at least where women are concerned, feels less presidential, or even male role model material, and more reality super star, which he is.

Here 's the most important fact I'd like you to heed. In 2013, the United States Census Bureau estimated that there are over 316 million people in America. Of that number, 76.7% are over the age of 18, which means 242 million adults can vote. Further, of that number, 50.8% are women. If a little over 123 million women refuse to vote for a man who is known for blatant, public, perverse disrespectful opinions toward women, there is no way Donald Trump could ever win. Take a stance, Ladies!

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