Shut Up, You're Lucky To Be An American
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Shut Up, You're Lucky To Be An American

Americans, your privilege is showing

Shut Up, You're Lucky To Be An American
Averie Woodward

This morning I woke up to my alarm going off, I got out of bed, ate a full breakfast and drove in my car to my college classes. I ate a salad from a fast food restaurant and went on my way to work. After I got off work, I drove to the gym and worked out while listening to music on my iPhone, and then I drove home to my apartment that was warm, despite the cold temperature outside. I took a hot shower, brushed my teeth and laid down in my bed and curled up to watch some tv until I dozed off, just to wake up and do it all over again the next day.

Most of your days are probably similar to mine. Where we as Americans enjoy the freedom and luxuries, and even have the audacity to complain about things many countries can't even imagine having.

If you're an American, you're lucky.

If you have been paying attention to the news at all the past few days, you would have seen the tragedy that has happened in Syria. If you haven't heard about it, I'll give you a quick recap.

The Syrian government has been severely corrupt for a very long time (as well as a 6 year civil war in Syria), and there have been suspicions of highly illegal chemical weapons in their possession. Well this week, they proved those suspicions correct, and killed nearly 100 innocent Syrians, mainly women and children. President Trump was horrified by the videos he saw of the piles of dead children, or the villagers spraying down one another to try to get the chemicals off their skin. President Trump decided a major line had been crossed, and it was time to do something about it. About 60 American missiles were aimed at a Syrian government airbase where the warplanes that carried out the nuclear attack were based.

You can read more about it on News sites, but the point is that what has happened in Syria is disgusting. It makes my stomach hurt, and a fire burn in my belly. There is no reason that innocent people have to die, for no other than selfish reasons of their so called "leader."

America is in no way perfect. There is a list a mile long of all the problems with America, but damn are we lucky.

After the recent election, I saw so many negative comments about the US. How terrible of a country it is, how terrible Americans are, how much they wanted to leave. My response? Please leave. Please spend a few weeks in pretty much any other country in the world and you will be banging the door down trying to get back into the states.

We are so spoiled we don't even understand how entitled we have become.

American women want to fight for the equal wages, when women in other countries get beat and mutilated for simply being a woman. The LGBTQ community is becoming more accepted in America, in other countries you would be killed. You get offended because someones religious views are different than yours, but in many other countries you will be brutally tortured for having opposing views. You get annoyed because your friend posts way too much on social media, but in some countries the internet is completely controlled by the government. Everyone in America wants to have a mental illness, or glorifies the idea of being different, but in other countries you are considered demonic and again will be killed. You want to walk in a parade about "freeing the nipple" when women in other countries would kill to have their face uncovered, or show their hair. You get to go to the clean sanitary hospital and get medical treatment because you have an upset stomach, when other countries don't even have access to medical treatment, even in life threatening situations.

You get to wake up everyday, eat whatever you want, drive in your car to your job, and you don't have armed soldiers lining the streets, or the fear that there is going to be another bomb dropped at any moment. This country is full of people who will stand in line all night for a gift, but won't stand up for the pledge of allegiance. Get up or get out.

Seriously, get over yourself.

You have no idea how lucky you are to be able to say whatever you want and not be killed by the government for it, to wear whatever you want, to be whoever you want and not be murdered just for living. You are so lucky you don't have to worry about having clean water, or food to eat.

American's want to cry about everything. We have become so entitled that we think everyone owes us something. Well, they don't.

You want to talk about "white privilege" or "entitled millennials." Yeah, well I think all American's think they are pretty entitled, and thats coming from an American. America, your privilege is showing.

Stop bashing America when you can't even fathom how lucky we are to be here.

This should piss you off, I hope it does. I hope you can look deeper into yourself and realize how blessed you really are. You may have been dealt the shittiest of hands, but if you get to call America home, you still have a better hand than millions of other people. Stop feeling sorry for yourself.

"For you have been called to live in freedom... use your freedom to serve one another in love." Galatians 5:13

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