NFL Season Preview: NFC North Edition | The Odyssey Online
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NFL Season Preview: NFC North Edition

In the NFC North its going to come down to the Vikings and Packers once again.

NFL Season Preview: NFC North Edition

This week in my division-by-division season preview I'll let you know what's going to happen in the NFC North. It's one of the stronger divisions in the NFC with two playoffs teams from last season in the Minnesota Vikings and Green Bay Packers.

2015 NFC North Division Standings

1st Minnesota Vikings 11-5

2nd Green Bay Packers 10-6

3rd Detroit Lions 7-9

4th Chicago Bears 6-10

Green Bay Packers

The Packers will be back at the top of the NFC North division with a healthy Jordy Nelson returning from a torn ACL and a slimmed down Eddie Lacy getting the load of the carries. Last season without his number one receiver Aaron Rodgers still managed to lead his team to the playoffs with some unforgettable Hail Marys.

Their defense is still led by Clay Matthews who will get to focus on rushing the passer this season after playing middle linebacker for much of last year because of injuries.

Projected Record 1st place 12-4

Minnesota Vikings

Even at 31 years old Adrian Peterson is still one of the best running backs in the NFL. As long as he's in the VIkings backfield opposing defenses will have to pack the box giving Teddy Bridgewater opportunities to capitalize against man coverage. With a solid group of young wideouts led by Stefon Diggs and first round pick Laquon Treadwell, Bridgewater should make the leap and emerge as future of the franchise.

Projected Record 2nd place 11-5

Detroit Lions

During the offseason the Lions lost one of the greatest players in the franchise's history to early retirement in Calvin Johnson. Johnson will be missed but the Lions have to move on without him. Golden Tate is now Matthews Staffords number one receiver and he's shown in the last two seasons that he can be. On the other side of the ball Haloti Ngata returns as a dominant run stopper with Darius Slay looking to prove that he can be a shutdown cornerback.

Projected Record 3rd place 7-9

Chicago Bears

With Jay Cutler leading the way once again the Bears will repeat as the worst team in the division. The rest of the NFC North is just too strong for them to have a winning record this season. Head Coach John Fox is entering his second season in Chicago and trying to rebuild their struggling defense.

Projected Record 4th place 5-11

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