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11 Easy Signs To Know When She's Interested & When She's Not

Why waste your time on someone who doesn't feel the same way you do?

11 Easy Signs To Know When She's Interested & When She's Not

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Okay, I admit it, girls are a little bit complex. They are not as obvious at making their crushes known, but if you are curious if the girl you are crushing on feels likes you back see if she does any of these give away signs. Why waste your time on someone who doesn't feel the same way you do?

Does She Make Plans With You

No one wants to spend time with someone they don't like. Her expression of wanting more one-on-one is a good sign that she might be into you. If she continues to cancel plans with you she is likely just busy or not into you like that. If she likes you she will make time to get to know you better and spend time with you. Constant communication and seeing each other every day doesn't happen for a lot of people who are close friends in college. If she tries to make plans with you on a regular basis, there is probably something cooking.

She Has Never Compared You To Her Brother?

While her time and attention is a good indicator some girls will want to spend time with you but only as friends. It is important to listen to her when she says things like, "You are the little brother I never had". In that case, she loves you like a brother and probably hasn't thought about you romantically. Girls will often say this as a strategy to let you know they just want to be your friend.

Her Body Language Is A Dead Giveaway

When a girl likes you she will try to be near to you. Whether it is sitting near to you on the couch or standing close to you at a party, her body language will be clear as to if she is interested. Pay close attention if she crosses her legs and leans far away from you she is probably also crossing her fingers that you won't make a move.

Her Friends Know About You

Girls talk. If she has a best friend they will know who her crushes are. Her best friends will know your name, major, hometown, and pretty much anything else you have told her. Part of the fun of having a crush is getting to share it with your best friends.

She Sometimes Ignores You

Sometimes girls can be confusing. Playing hard to get is a real strategy. If she doesn't text you or talk to you for a while she may just be figuring out her own feelings, while secretly hoping you would make a move first.

The Way She Looks At You

The way someone looks at you can be a definite indicator of their feelings towards you. Does she make eye contact with you when you speak to her? Watch her eyes the next time you have a conversation with her.

She Teases You A Lot

Do you have a playful witty game of banter going on between the two of you? Humor is often used as a flirting tactic. Teasing, playing games, and inside jokes can all be forms of flirting.

She Talks To You About Her Thoughts & Feelings

Not every girl is emotionally expressive, but if she doesn't share her thoughts or feelings about anything she is probably not interested.

She Moves Past Just The "Side Hug"

The classic side hug is the safe zone. If she goes for the frontal hug she is comfortable enough with you to be physically closer. If she thinks of you as just friends she will be sure to be careful of how physically close the two of you are.

She Labels You

Does she quickly say "we're friends" when someone asks? She might be trying to put label on what you two are, but don't lose hope often times the best relationships come out of being friends first. Be patient and wait for her to realize what could be.

You Ask Her!

You can't put any gender in a box. No male or female is exactly the same. Yet, over the years I have seen too many people fall apart over oblivious crushes. Tell her how you feel. No matter all the signs I could tell her you never really know until you ask. Never be afraid to show how you really feel. She either likes you or she doesn't. I would rather find out than spend a lifetime wondering what could have been.

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