How To Have Your Most Body Positive Semester Yet
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How To Have Your Most Body Positive Semester Yet

Love yourself and the rest will follow.

How To Have Your Most Body Positive Semester Yet

Summer is a time that's plagued with crop tops, short shorts, and bikinis galore. It's easy to feel like your body is less than adequate when scrolling through social media and seeing fellow classmates with perfectly tanned skin and not an inch of cellulite on their entire bodies. It makes me want to stop eating altogether, count my calories like nobody's business, and go on runs until I reach the point of physical exhaustion. Last summer, I dedicated my time to making myself look like those girls I envied and it worked- I lost twelve pounds, but I never felt any better about myself. It was like "Okay, I achieved this goal- now how much more weight can I lose?" So this summer, I dedicated myself to being body positive. And as I prepare myself for a new school year surrounded by stick thin women in tight clothing, it will also be the year that I find myself just as beautiful.

Drink water

One, I promise it cuts down on cravings and the rumbles in your stomach (I swear... I was skeptical too). And two, it makes your skin glow. You'll feel healthy and you'll look healthy. And that makes staring at your reflection in the mirror that much easier.

Feed your body good food

Find the types of healthy foods you enjoy. We all have a favorite fruit, a favorite vegetable, maybe you're a fan of Greek yogurt and granola, etc. Find those good for your body foods that don't make you feel like you're eating healthy, and enjoy them! Bulk up on them! Eat blueberries until you turn into one (just kidding that only happens in movies).

But never skip out on donut day

Never let your caloric intake affect your happiness! This is so important when it comes to body positivity and self love. Eat your favorite foods, do not deprive yourself of anything.

Slowly work on your problem areas

I have a love hate relationship with the region between my belly button and my knees, that seems to be where all my cellulite likes to hide. But when I set out to do a certain amount of squats or sit-ups each day, even the slightest improvement boosts my confidence. You can't ignore your problem areas and expect them to go away, but you don't have to obsess over them either.

Find inspiration that you relate with

When scrolling through the Instagram popular page, it's easy to be plagued with society's idea of the "perfect" gym body. You know, the one with abs for days and biceps that could kill. But digging a little deeper, I've found real women with real self love accounts. These are women who preach happiness and health over the number on the scale. These are women who have struggled looking in the mirror, just as others have. And these are women who allow themselves to give into Taco Bell cravings without letting it ruin their self confidence.

Wear clothes that fit you

I know, that one skirt used to look really cute on you two years ago and now you struggle to get the zipper all the way to the top. Hide it! Yes, maybe you will fit into it again in the future, but for now- only wear clothes you know fit you just the way you want them to. You should not feel guilty for needing a larger size, you should not feel guilty for outgrowing old clothing, and you should not stare at something you used to fit in as inspiration. When your clothes fit and you feel cute, everyone else will agree regardless of the number on the tag.

Don't obsess over losing weight fast

Progress takes time. And if you want results that last, you need to work on your mental health along with your physical health. Accept your body for what it is, and the results will follow.

Realize that everyone is different

And that's the coolest part! We all can eat different foods, adjust to different work out methods, enjoy different physical activities, and look completely different. We all have cellulite, stretch marks, and scars in different places. And we're all perfect just the way we are. There is no one way to look and no one body type to aspire to be.

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