Five Random Acts of Kindness You Can Do This Winter | The Odyssey Online
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Five Random Acts of Kindness You Can Do This Winter

Be kind to one another.

Five Random Acts of Kindness You Can Do This Winter
United Way Of Alamance County

Many of us take advantage of how lucky we are. We do not notice it until something bad happens. We should always keep in mind that not all of us grew up lucky; some struggled. Everyone has their own story and reasons why they are the way they are now. It is a new year; start it by helping someone. It does not have to be drastic or expensive but a simple act of kindness can make their day better. Here are a few ways you can help someone, whether they are in need of a pick me up or not. Do not do these actions so you can be praised, do them out of the goodness of your heart.

1. Pay it Forward

Anyone: Pay for the person behind you in Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts. If you have the money and feel in the mood, pay for that person's order. The only thing you would ask them to do is pass it on if they ask you if you bought their order. Simply tell the cashier that you would like to pay for their order and they will take care of it! Everyone has bad days so why not try to turn their day around? There is no "best time" to do an act of kindness either. It can happen during midterms, finals or on any ordinary day.

2. See The Need, Feed The Need

Homeless Male: Instead of being stereotypical, bring him a meal. Granted blankets would be the first thing to come to mind but a meal will keep you alive more than a blanket. It can be as simple as a 4 for $4 from Wendy's. Many people do not feel comfortable giving physical money to anyone homeless, whether they are male or female. Not everyone knows that person's story so try to help them.

3. Period Kit

Homeless Female: It is hard to be a female and be homeless. Make them a Period Kit; it is actually very simple. Many can always give money but do not make them; choose a meal or sanitary items. I do not mean that you should give them a whole package but maybe four in a kit. A care package can also include: a bottle of water, four pads or tampons, and anything hygienic. Something so simple as a travel sized toothbrush and toothpaste can help someone in need.

4. Kindness Under An Umbrella

Anyone: This is my favorite random act of kindness. One day I was driving with my mom and I saw a college student walking with his textbooks covering his head in the rain. I pulled over and gave the boy my umbrella and he denied at first but then I told him that he needed it more than I did at the moment and he thanked me and walked away with a smile. The best way for you to do this is by going to a dollar store and purchasing a few umbrellas. Keep those umbrellas in the back of your car or bring an extra umbrella with you. When you see someone trying to stay dry in the rain, just hand it to them. Trust me, nobody wants to get soaked in a storm.

5. Send Cards to Children in Hospitals

Children: Many children are in hospitals for various reasons. They might be missing friends or not have contact with many of them so send a positive letter their way. You do not need to do much. Find some crayons and blank pieces of paper and begin to write some kind words! A handwritten letter goes a long way. Cards For Hospitalized Kids is a charitable organization that sends cards to those in hospitals. Take five minutes out of your day for a week and create a few cards. If you want, try visiting your local Hospital and see if they accept cards.

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