How To Do The TikTok Target Couple's Challenge | The Odyssey Online
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My Boyfriend And I Tried The TikTok Target Couple's Challenge And Now We Want To Do It For Every Anniversary

TikTok, Target, and love, what a marvelous trio.

Girl with shoulder length, curly brown hair smiling beside boy with short brown hair and glasses. They are sitting outside on a bench in the picture.
Bobbie Hall

This fall was my boyfriend and I's two-year anniversary! In the past for special occasions, we've typically gone out for a movie and dinner or just did something fun in general. However, in the year of COVID, we didn't really feel safe doing something like that.

Instead, we wanted to try something new that kept us significantly more socially distanced. Luckily, I found a TikTok trend a few months ago that gave me the perfect idea! The Target TikTok trend blew up all over for couples and friends alike. It seemed like a fun activity for us but also a good way to get each other gifts that we might not have thought about.

So last weekend, we went to Target and did the challenge. Basically, there were seven different categories of items and we were allowed to get one or two items to satisfy each category. We each started at separate ends of the store, trying our best not to meet in the middle. It was super fun to think about what to get the other and took us about an hour total.

Below are each of the categories and a little description about how they turned out for us.

1. Get something that is your partner's favorite color.

Gray young cat sitting on a maroon, plush, blanket on a leather chair.

Bobbie Hall

Pictured is my roommate's cat sitting on his new favorite blanket that my boyfriend got me for the color portion of this challenge! We had a little snag in this one. Turns out we both thought the others' favorite color was maroon, when actually, maroon was each of our second favorite colors! He got me this blanket and I got him maroon underwear. It was hard to come up with something creative for this one!

2. Grab one of your partner's favorite snacks. 

Snacks was a much easier category. He got me beef jerky because it's low carb and I LOVE it and I got him salt and vinegar chips and Kit Kats. We have pretty similar tastes in snacks, so we could certainly share all of these picks!

3. Grab one of your partner's favorite drinks. 

Next up was drinks. I got him a blueberry red bull and cranberry-raspberry juice. Both were mixers that I thought would be good for the party we were attending later that night. He got me a pack of canned wine. Alcohol on the brain for both of us, I guess.

4. Find something your partner needs.

Picture of what my boyfriend got for me. From left to right: a medium-sized skeleton decoration, an egg bite maker, a sign that says "miss you already", canned wine that says "yes way rose", a charger cable for an iphone, and a bag of jack link's teriyaki beef jerky.

Bobbie Hall

Next was one of my easiest categories, but my boyfriend thought it was the hardest! He said I need so many things that he didn't know how to pick one. While he ended up choosing a new phone charger cable, I think everything he got me, pictured above, I needed in one way or another. Even the skeleton! I got him body soap and filters for his Brita water bottle because I KNOW he has barley ever changed it.

5. Get something you want your partner to try. 

This was a fun category! Finding something for your partner to try can go many different ways. You can do a food to try, a toy, a game, an appliance, and so many other things! For him, I choose a mini-waffle maker and a new card game. They both seemed right up his alley. He chose an egg-bite maker for me which truthfully will save me so much money in the future. That present actually happened to be my favorite color, too!

6. Find something that reminds you of your partner. 

This one was a little hard for me, as so much reminds me of my boyfriend, sometimes for absolutely no reason. I finally chose to get him a Captian America shield, as we watched all of the Marvel movies together (not of which I had seen before dating him) and Captain America is his favorite character. He got me a sign that says miss you already on one side and welcome back on the other because I'm very clingy and miss him the moment he leaves. It doesn't help that we've been living two hours apart for over a year!

7. Grab a gag gift- something that is funny, weird, or out of the ordinary.

Picture of what I got my boyfriend. From left to right: bottle of men's Dove body wash (extra fresh), cran-raspberry juice from ocean spray, pack of 6 kit kats, a bag of lay's salt and vinegar chips, a tiny play eggo waffle box, a tiny play hunts ketchup bottle, a pair of maroon men's underwear, a mousepad underneath everything, a game called "I wish I didn't know", a box of brita water bottle filters, a small alien trinket, a mini-waffle maker, a trinket from fallout with a blonde man and a metal detector, and a captain america toy shield.

Bobbie Hall

Finally, the gag gift category. This one I came up with myself as I didn't like the options that others had done in their challenges. For this, I got him a mystery pack of video game trinkets and toys and a mini brands mystery pack. These, along with everything else I got him, are shown in the picture above. I think mystery packets are just so fun, and you never know what you'll get! Some of the stuff was pretty cool and some of it will get thrown away sooner than later, and that's OK. He got me a skeleton Halloween decoration which I have put up to scare guests and truthfully, have frightened myself a couple times.

Overall, I thought it was a great alternative to a typical anniversary celebration! We also ordered take-out and walked around a park for a bit. At Target, we each spent a little over $100, but it would be easy to put a spending limit to make sure neither of you spend too much.

Try this version of the TikTok Target challenge or modify it to make it your own! I'm sure you'll love it just as much as we did.

Follow Swoon on Instagram.

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