If you're anything like me, it seems like everyone is annoying now a days. Like, why can I not get through the day without dealing with someone's B.S.. For awhile, I thought I was me, then I realized it wasn't.
People are just terrible.
The only solace that I find is that I can go home and curl up in bed with some hot soup, my stuffed animal, and a good show at the end of the day. Here's a list of T.V. shows that get me through everyone's nonsense.
1. The Between
This is a fantastic show about a virus that begins to affect the people of the town of Pretty Lake over the age of 22. As you get deeper and deeper into the series, you begin to realize that you cannot trust anyone, including the people who are supposed to help you.
2. The Good Wife
This show is about a lawyer turned stay-at-home-mom whose well known husband cheats on her and breaks the law, creating a huge scandal that sends him to jail. To protect and preserve her family, Alicia Florrick must go back to work as a lawyer starting from the bottom. This is definitely one of my favorite shows. I highly recommend this one.
3. Salem
The title is pretty self explanatory. This is a show about the Salem witch trials. One of the cooler things about this show is that it is more sci-fi than you'd first expect it to be. There are witches in Salem and everyone is in danger.
4. Blindspot
Blindspot came out Fall 2015 as a new show on Hulu. This show is about a woman who shows up in a bag in the middle of Times Square, naked, covered in tattoos, and her memory completely wiped. The only thing that gives the Police a clue what to do with her is a tattoo on her back that says "Kurt Weller FBI".
5. �How To Get Away With Murder
All you aspiring lawyers out there, listen up. If you aren't already watching this show, you either don't really want to be a lawyer, or you're already in law school and ain't got time for that. This show follows Annalise Keating a lawyer and professor that has to help her students cover up some of the darkest crimes t.v. has seen.
6. Daria
If there is anyone who just doesn't give a fuck, it's Daria. Daria is an older animated show about a teenage girl and here best friend who just can't handle everyone around them.
While not everyone is bad, most people just get on my nerves. I really hope this list helps some of you who are feeling the same way.