74 Reasons Why I Love My Best Friend
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74 Reasons Why I Love My Best Friend

You can be yourself without having to explain yourself, because she accepts you and loves you just the way you are.

Two women's hands with their small fingers interlocking

Have you ever found that one person in your life who you literally could not live without? You can talk to her about anything. She's the only person who will look you straight in the eyes and say, "You're stupid." You two can ride around or sit at your house for hours and always have something to talk about. You can be yourself without having to explain yourself because she accepts you and loves you just the way you are.

Well, if you have found someone like this, you have found a best friend for LIFE. I have a few girls I am blessed to call "best friends." National Best Friend Day was just a few days ago, so I decided to write about those girls who keep me sane.

1. You know me better than I know myself.

Woman  with black hair looking into a mirror in a gold dress Photo by yulia pantiukhina on Unsplash

2. You make yourself at home the minute you walk into my house.

3. My parents treat you as if you are their child.

4. You laugh at my unfunny jokes to make me feel better.

5. You laugh at my funny jokes.

6. You know that I am weird about routines and do your best to help me "go with the flow."

7. You have been there for me since the day we met.

8. Regardless of getting into silly arguments, we always end up making a joke about them.

9. You take out your anger on me (vice versa), and you know when I've had a bad day.

10. You let me eat your food.

11. You buy me food when I accidentally forget my money.

12. You don't know this, but I sneak a fry off your plate when you're not looking.

13. You always let me taste your coffee that has creamer because you know I'm sketchy about creamer in mine.

14. You're my person.

Two woman sitting side by side hugging

15. You let me vent to you about my chaotic life.

16. You always want what is best for me, even if that means my heart will be broken.

17. You let me cry and always welcome me with loving arms.

18. Then you tell me to get my life together because I'm being stupid about crying over a boy.

19. A boy will never take your place.

20. You will always be my number 1 gal.

21. Nobody compares to you.

22. You are my sister that God so graciously placed in my life.

23. We often get asked if we are sisters.

24. You are the truest friend I have ever had, and I know you are my soul sister.

25. Sometimes you make me want to scream.

26. But then you want to scream at me.

27. When we scream at each other, we end up laughing.

28. You accept me in my sweatpants and no makeup.

29. You let me know when I look awful, but let me look that way anyways.

30. You are always honest with me which is sometimes annoying, but it is always a blessing in the long-run.

31. You are always down for Mexican, Wendy's, or Chick-Fil-A, or ice cream.

32. You let me eat more than a full grown man, but never call me a fatty.

33. Then you give me your leftovers.

34. You love talking about boys and drama just as much as I do. But lol at our single life.

35. You always tell me that God has someone special for me.

36. You never cease to remind me to give people grace when they really need a slap in the face.

37. You are moody, but I'm okay with that because I am, too.

38. You go on walks with me.

39. You are my workout partner.

Two woman on thier hands and feet raised above the floor in yellow shorts and shirts Photo by Boxed Water Is Better on Unsplash

40. People always ask where you are when you aren't with me.

41. You're always up for watching Grey's with me.

42. You love lazy days just as much as I do.

43. We can ride in the car with complete silence without it being awkward.

44. We love jam sessions to old songs that bring back middle school memories.

45. We have so many memories and inside jokes that we could write a book.

46. We can bring up stories from 7th grade and remember them as if they happened yesterday.

47. We made it through "that stage" together.

48. You don't count when someone says, "Don't tell anybody."

49. You would beat up the guy who broke my heart in a heartbeat.

50. Then you would laugh at how stupid I was for dating him.

51. You always made jokes to help me get over relationships.

52. I still laugh at those jokes today.

53. You always made me laugh when I didn't want to smile.

54. You always know just what to say.

55. Sometimes your silence is the best answer.

56. You're my mother when my real one isn't present.

57. You tell me to calm down when I get overly excited about things.

58. You push me to be the best I can be, even when I fail.

59. You are always proud of my accomplishments.

60. You pray for me.

three women wearing blue denim jeans sitting on gray wooden bench Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

61. You've seen me at my darkest and never left my side.

62. You've encouraged me every day to remember that I am not who I was.

63. You bring out the best in me.

64. We can't go long without seeing each other.

65. Sometimes we act too much alike and it gets a bit freaky.

66. We complete each others sentences.

67. We say the same thing at the same time.

68. You are the one person I want to talk to when something exciting happens.

Two women walking across the road during sunset Photo by Kevin Schmid on Unsplash

69. You are also the person I want to talk to after I have an awful day.

70. You are my constant.

71. You are my role model.

72. You make me feel at home when I am far away.

73. You help me grow in my relationship with Christ.

74. You are YOU!

I consider myself an extremely blessed individual. I mean, to put up with me is a job on its own, but to actually be my best friend through it all is something to be proud of. I could not be more thankful for the best friends I have in my life.

"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." -Proverbs 18:24

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