7 Reasons Why My Best Friend Is My Forever Friend
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7 Reasons Why My Best Friend Is My Forever Friend

You can't pick your family, but you can pick your friends; I think I picked a good one.

7 Reasons Why My Best Friend Is My Forever Friend
Marissa Chamernick

We all come across some people in our lifetime that come and stick with you, forever. Although I can think of quite a few people that fit that bill in my life, there's one that stands out most, and she is my best friend. I could sit down with anyone and give them hundreds of reasons as to why she's my forever friend and why I love her to death, but instead I've just decided to keep it to these 7 points, enjoy.

1. She's always been there

When I first met my best friend, I thought she was a brat and a friend stealer, so naturally my middle school self hated her guts. She didn't even go to my school when we first met, but when she started there, the hell broke loose. We were evil little sixth graders who said "mean" things to each other and thought being mean got you more friends than being nice. I specifically remember this one incident when we were in band class (clarinet family for life though); we sat next to each other and she put a music stand in between us and raised it so that I couldn't see anyone else in the whole room. Shortly after that I scratched her face out of a picture that I had of us and some other people together, so I wasn't exactly innocent either. Once high school rolled around, we both decided to join the cheerleading team; at first the friendship that started was very fake, we still hated each other. But it soon all turned around and we became an inseparable pair. Through the years we lost plenty of friends because of our friendship, but something in our friendship made it easier to just have each other.

2. She's caring beyond belief

I have never met anyone who actually cared about people even after they did them wrong, but she does, and its amazing to watch. There are people in our lives that we both mutually dislike for some reason or another; while I choose to disassociate myself with that person completely, she's still there for them whenever they need anything at all. She also cares for me and my family in a way that I am very thankful for. She's always been a shoulder to cry on or a friend to make me feel better, it's never mattered what the situation was, she's always had my back.

3. She always tells me how it is

I'm the type of person that would prefer my friends to tell me that I'm being dumb or inconsiderate when I am, and she is the perfect person to do that. Although sometimes she sugar coats it to make me feel a little better, she always tells me the truth. That is one of the most important things to have in friendship; truth. It's the reason I go to her for advice, and its also the reason why I take her shopping with me! The best part is that because she tells me how it is, she always knows that I will do the same for her. Whether its a stupid boy related problem or a family issue, we have each others back.

4. She understands that my family comes first

Having a friend that my family cares about is a super special thing; after all, you're family knows you best and knows whose going to treat you right or do you wrong. And the picture above is proof that she loves my family too! She may know that I will always be there for her, but she also understands that my family is my life; and she's the same way too. I can't count how many times we haven't been able to hang out because a family thing came up, but we always know that it's okay. That is something that I have never really had with a friend, but lets be honest, girls tend to get jealous and mad at their friends when they can't spend time with me. I was there at one point in my life, but as you grow you start to realize that sometimes it just had to be that way.

5. She's my partner in crime

We were always the troublemakers in class, whether we were friends or not, we always started something. The only time I ever got a detention in high school, was with her, and it just so happened to be our senior year too. It may not have been our brightest moment, but it's a memory that we'll laugh about forever. There were so many silly high school nights where we would tell our parents we were hanging out somewhere and we would be somewhere else getting into some sort of trouble (sorry mom). Even if we were just driving our aimlessly, it was still better then doing anything else because wherever we are we always manage to have fun. That is a part of our friendship that I'll cherish forever; who else would come over on a (college) school night just to have a sleep over with me and play with makeup?

6. She doesn't judge me

I've done a lot of stupid things in the last few years, and although many of them have included her, a lot of them haven't. Sometimes I wonder why she still associates with me, but that's what best friends do. Or even if I make her sit and let me do her makeup; and I definitely don't judge her when she does mine! No matter what it's been, she's never judged me in a bad way. In todays world, something like that is really hard to come by sometimes. No friendship is perfect and no one is perfect and I believe that it's nice to realize and understand that.

7. She didn't let distance hurt our friendship

This is probably the biggest reason why this girl is my best friend. She has never once let distant due to college affect our friendship. I moved into college on her birthday last year, which was really hard for me because I felt like I was abandoning her on her day, but she didn't even seem phased by it. And although we didn't see each other that often, we would also send or receive that text that asked how life was going or how school was. And I always knew that if I ever needed to vent I could call her at any time; and trust me, I did! Most of my friends from high school went their separate ways, we all did really, which is why I was especially happy when I never lost my friendship with her.

There really is nothing better than having a best friend that you know you're going to want to keep for the rest of your life. So I just want to thank my best, for everything she does for me. She really is an amazing person and I am so glad she's in my life.

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