So...why are you here? What is your life purpose? Do you know why you wake up every morning? What about the legacy you want to leave behind when you have passed? If the answer is "no" to any of those questions I just asked then there's a problem...
The problem is you don't have any goals and if you do they aren't clear, direct or concise and if "they are" you haven't made an action plan on how to achieve your goals which is just as bad as having no goals at all!
You're probably reading this saying " I don't care about what this chick is saying right now I know what I want to do,"
I did a video on this on my YouTube channel not to long ago which is what prompted me to write this post:
Everyone has goals and there are different type of goals, whether it be dealing with one's career, financial standing, spirituality, education or just some materialistic desires like buying the new Jordans or getting that new Brazilian weave from that new weave shop you found on Instagram. From landing a new job or buying a first car or apartment we all have something we want to do. Realistically, we set goals every day! You know things like: I'm going to make it to work on time today, I am going to the supermarket after work or I am going to go to the gym this week! Those simple thoughts become tasks on our mental to-do lists and ultimately completing them is the goal!
MOST people set goals and those "goals" just end up being wishes and wants, and often never become reality. Don't be that person, make ever single one of your goals a reality! But of course NOTHING IN LIFE COMES FREE AND NOTHING IS THAT EASY!
Many people love to express their wants and wishes but put in no effort towards seeing their dreams come alive! They just expect God and the universe to automatically work in their favor. When in actuality NOTHING comes handed to you. You need to work for everything in life and YES that includes your goals!
So how do you make sure your goals are reached no matter what?
Identify your goal
When setting a goal it is important to identify whether your goals are attainable, realistic and ambitious. You want to aim high but not aim too high. You don't want to say that you want to buy your own house and pay off the mortgage by the age of 21, I mean it is attainable ,however, not realistic.
Like I said before, make sure your goals are clear, direct and concise.
For example:
I want to be a teacher > what kind of teacher?
I want to be an English teacher > What grade level would you like to teach?
I would like to be an Elementary School English teacher. > CLEAR, DIRECT AND CONCISE!
Make an action plan
It is never, I repeat, never OK to just say you want to do something. Enough saying, more doing! Every goal you have should have a short-term, mid-term and long term pattern,
I would like to be an Elementary School English teacher.
Step 1 [SHORT TERM] : Go to college and graduate with a Bachelor's in English and or Elementary Education.
Step 2 [MIDTERM] *usually the longest and may have multiple steps : Earn a teaching certificate, complete student teaching under supervision, and take licensing and competency tests (depending on your respective state).
Step 3 [LONG TERM/ULTIMATE GOAL] : Become an Elementary School English teacher
Set a deadline
If you do not set a deadline for any of your goals they will either take WAY longer to complete OR they will never happen. Make sure this deadline is also CLEAR, DIRECT AND CONCISE.
Be accountable
If for whatever reason you do not reach your goal by your deadline, hold yourself accountable, do not give up and reset your deadline to something close so you don't get distracted.
Change your mindset
Remove any form of : Cannot in your vocabulary, IT'S CANCER!
You are only as good as your mindset. The way you think is especially powerful, If you go around having a negative outlook on things negative things will happen to you. Those who think they can't NEVER will! Keep a positive attitude!
It is not enough to just say you want to do something, you need to put actions behind your words and work at your goals at all times regardless of anything that might try to deter you. Life is hard and granted things do happen, however, NEVER get into the habit of making excuses and letting life's mishaps be the reason you don't reach your goals. Do not let the bad things that happen to you become a crutch because you are ultimately pushing yourself further away from your goals . Everyone has the potential to be great, but be exceptional. Identify your goal, make an action plan, set a deadline, be accountable and most importantly change your mindset.
Next time you set a goal, ANY GOAL, ask yourself,"What will I do differently to make sure this goal is reached?"