The Verbal Warning Signs Of A Suicidal Person
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The Verbal Warning Signs Of A Suicidal Person

The collateral damage of not recognizing the verbal warning signs of suicide is preventable. Recognize a warning sign when you hear one.

The Verbal Warning Signs Of A Suicidal Person

The collateral damage of not recognizing the verbal warning signs of suicide is preventable. Recognize a warning sign when you hear one.

"No one would even notice if I disappeared."

People would notice. Your friends would notice every time they go to call you, invite you over, and have a story to tell you. Your family would notice every single time they sit down for a meal and there is an empty seat at the table, less laundry, and less volume in the house. Your teachers and classmates would notice the vacant seat in class, the silence that follows your call on the attendance roll, and the pile of work that was supposed to be handed back to you. Your coaches would notice each time they go to call you out onto the field. Even people you simply pass by during the day. There is someone who admires you for either the way you carry yourself, dress, talk, or whatever it may be, and your absence will give them at least one less presence to smile at.

"I'm a burden to those around me."

You are not a burden. Everyone is different. Emotions fluctuate differently for everyone. No two people react the same to even the same event. Your emotions and pain are valid. You are loved, and those that love you just want to see you happier/healthier. It's not intended to come across as tough love. It's love, but it's tough because there are adversities to overcome. You are worthy of patience, listening ears, and comfort.

"I don't think I can withstand this pain any longer..."

Most pain is temporary or treatable. What seems unbearable right now, physically and/or mentally, may pass if you choose to ask for help or find coping methods. Stick around to see how much you can overcome. Know that someone else has been, or is in, similar shoes and would benefit from you speaking out about your pain. There are people that would love to work alongside you through fighting the pain you are enduring. Don't let temporary pain prompt you to make a permanent decision. If your pain isn't temporary, know that there are trained professionals available to help you decrease your pain levels and help you to begin to truly live rather than just get by.

"I have no purpose in this life, why live?"

You have purpose. Not one, but many. You are intended to meet everyone that you meet. You will learn lessons from people who have different life experiences, and you will teach them lessons from your own life experiences. You will make someone's day. You will be an example of what someone wants to dress, write, love, listen, sing, dance, or walk like. You will find beauty in things others don't see beauty in. You will interpret art differently than another viewer. You will witness something that will benefit you or those involved. You will say something that clears someone's mind. You will relate to someone who too, feels alone. You will make a difference in this world, knowingly or not. So live, because this world will not be the same without you.

"Maybe I should just kill myself.."

Do not kill yourself. I know that the pain may seem unbearable. The thoughts may seem too loud. The world may seem too cold. You may seem too disconnected from normalcy. You may feel alone. You may be going through a hard time right now. You might have just been broken up with by the only person you thought you could trust and fall in love with. Football season may be over. Your best friend may be choosing a different friend group. Your family may be taking out their job-related stress on you. You may have undergone several treatments already, and feel hopeless. Your childhood pet may have just been euthanized. You may have just failed chemistry. You may seriously hate how life is going. But killing yourself will not take the pain away. Killing yourself takes away your ability to feel not just the pain, but the joy in life too.

So play your favorite song. Watch your favorite movie. Practice your favorite sport. Call your best friend. Eat your favorite food. Go for a walk. Tell someone how you are feeling. Watch your patterns. Set a goal to focus on the ups in life, and how to cope with the downs. Life is a roller coaster; stay for the ride.

If you are ever on the receiving end of hearing/reading statements such as the ones exemplified above, please recognize them as verbal warning signs of suicide.

Someone contemplating suicide generally doesn't want to end their life. Most people that are suicidal are unable to find other solutions or methods to cope with factors that are recognized as factors of suicide.

Factors of suicide are related to an individual's health, environment, and history. The leading risk factors of suicide are mental health conditions. Other health factors include substance abuse and chronic health conditions/pain. Environmental factors include recent stressful events (death, job loss, divorce, etc.), prolonged stress factors (bullying, harassment, unemployment, etc.), access to lethal means (drugs or alcohol), and/or exposure to another's suicide. Historical factors include previous suicide attempts and/or a family history of suicide attempts.

If you or someone you know is considering suicide please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255

If an emergency CALL 911.

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