Tesla’s New Model X: Best SUV Yet | The Odyssey Online
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Tesla’s New Model X: Best SUV Yet

Here's everything you need to know about Tesla’s newest car.

Tesla’s New Model X: Best SUV Yet

Have you ever thought what the future would be like and what society, as a whole, would come to? What about how people would act and dress? What cars they would drive? What houses and buildings would look like? There’s no question that modern day styles as well as technology has shocked the minds of millions. As a race, our capabilities are endless. This is based on the fact that we have access to tools that make technological advancements possible. The future may seem far ahead, but in reality, we’re living it.

The machinery that we posses today was nothing but a dream to us ten years ago. The technology that we are surrounded by in modern society seemed impossible not too long ago. Something that gets people very excited these days are the drastic improvements made in cars. We may not have flying cars yet, but for now there is a lot to be excited about. With the addition of Tesla’s new Model X, it’ll make waiting for a flying car that much easier.

For those that don’t already know, Tesla Motors Inc. is an American automotive company that designs, manufactures and sells electric cars. Tesla was founded back in 2003 by a group of engineers in Silicon Valley who had the image of constructing a vehicle that would surpass the advantages of having a car fueled by gasoline. Their image was to deliver a reliable car with zero emissions. What seemed impracticable at the time became evident in 2012 with Tesla’s release of the Model S, becoming the world’s first electric sedan.

The model X launch event took place on September 29, and I can honestly say while watching the event, I was in complete awe. The visuals of the car were outstanding, but the capabilities of the electric SUV were absolutely breathtaking.

The Model X has all-wheel drive with a 90 kWh battery which implements approximately 250 miles of range. The SUV allows seating for up to seven people and allows for enough space for each passenger and their belongings. The Model X is also great on acceleration. It can go from zero to 60 miles per hour in a matter of 3.2 seconds.

Going into more detail about the seating, there are three rows to the car that seat a total of seven. The second row of the car can be considered revolutionary. Each second row seat is designed to have maximum passenger legroom and storage area under each seat and access to the third row. If more space is needed, the third row seats fold flat and the third seat in the second row also possesses the same capability.

Model X keeps safety a number one priority. The vehicle continuously runs scans on its surroundings with a roadway camera, radar and sonar system. This provides the driver with immediate feedback to help prevent collisions and is designed to automatically apply the breaks in emergency situations.

The main purpose of an electric car is to be eco-friendly, and the new SUV is pollution-free both inside and out. The Model X contains a medical grade HEPA filter that strips outside air of pollen, bacteria, viruses and pollution before circulating it into the cabin. The new car comes with three different modes. One mode can circulate the air in the car with the outside air, another mode can re-circulate the inside air, and the third mode serves as a defense mode that accumulates positive pressure inside the cabin to protect the passengers.

Out of all of the new features, the most unique is what they are calling the “Falcon Wings." The Falcon-Wing doors grant easy access to the second and third row seats. What differentiates the Model X from other minivans and SUV’s are the features of the car doors. The car doors on Model X swing upward while the car doors on any typical SUV just slide open. When the doors open up, they are super tight, so even if you are tightly parked between two cars, getting in and out of the vehicle is not a problem.

There’s a lot to say about the new Tesla Model X. It fits into a new category of Tesla cars by constructing an SUV and seems to be an upgrade in everyway. The fact that it’s an electric car puts on another level. Although this car is extremely expensive, it is a car to strongly consider purchasing. The price is upwards of $100,000, but for those that can afford it, you should definitely be taking this car into consideration.

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