30 Things That Happen When You Date A Car Guy
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31 Things That Are True When You Date A Guy Who Loves His Car Just As Much As He Loves You

If you know, you know.

31 Things That Are True When You Date A Guy Who Loves His Car Just As Much As He Loves You
Robert Keck

When you date a guy who loves cars, your relationship is NOT a normal relationship. It is always filled with adventure, and there is never a dull moment. This is what happens when the person you love, loves cars just as much as he loves you.

You drive everywhere.

Robert Keck

Down the street? Drive. Day trips for the hell of it? He'll be the one driving. Even if it is your car, you're probably going to be sitting bitch.

Car meets are a thing.

South Philly Car Meet

Robert Keck

Did anyone know this was a thing? Because before I started dating my boyfriend, I had no idea this was a thing (and it happens often). Yes, all these people just park their cars and everyone talks. It is a sight to see.

He will go out of his way to look at someone else's car.


He will take an extra turn just to see a car. Any dinner reservations you have better account for the 15-30 minutes out-of-the-way driving.

There are a lot of late nights.

Hannah Porter

Whether it is holding the flashlight, or just keeping company, be prepared to be outside for a while. Always bring a coat.

There are more pictures of his cars/trucks than you.

Robert Keck

Don't get your panties in a bunch. I honestly have no problem with it. He still has pictures of me, so who cares?

He has two loves in his life.

Samantha Wylesol

You, and his car(s).

Every other sentence has the word "engine" in it.

Hannah Porter

Do you know how many different types of engines there are? Because I did not. Be prepared to learn about every single one.

An absurd amount of money is spent on car parts.


Theres nothing more I can say on this matter. Just know it is an absurd amount.

You'll drive hours away for a good deal from Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist.

Hannah Porter

One day, we drove three hours for an engine at 9pm at night. It is always something.

 "I just need to fix this one thing" does not mean he'll be done in 10 minutes.

Robert Keck

Nothing ever takes 10 minutes. It's a trick.

 He'll be the first on the scene when you fuck up.

Hannah Porter

Yea, that happened. Guess who showed up first?

You will hear him arrive. Or, you will hear him a few roads down.

Robert Keck

Just wait until he fucks up the exhaust.

 There is always something to fix. Nothing is ever done.

Robert Keck

You don't even want to know what is happening here.

You will be doing a lot of flat towing and rescues.

Yes, we break down. It happens. You know damn well that he fixes it within the next few days. I have to give him credit, I could never do what he does. I can't wrap my head around it.

 Prepare to get "The look" if you drop food in the car.

Cary Porter

Don't risk it.

 You learn a ton of new terms.

Hannah Porter

I once did not understand something (actually about the above TransAm), and he pulled out a BLUEPRINT of the car. I still don't know what he talks about half the time.

You have your own personal mechanic

Hannah Porter

Guess who learned how to do their own oil and brakes? Anything after that he's going to have to handle. He constantly plugs my tires because I somehow find every nail on the road in Philadelphia.

 He holds more knowledge of cars than any other topic

Robert Keck

He is able to see a car and rattle off the make, model, year, engine, and all the other shit that goes along with that. He is able to do that with almost every car...how do you hold all that knowledge?

 If he is on his phone, it is guaranteed that he is either on Facebook Marketplace, Youtube looking at car videos, or Instagram looking at car profiles.


Plus: he won't be liking other girl's pictures, unless theres a truck in the background.

 Whatever you do, DON'T SLAM THE DOOR.


I learned this very fast.

 Prepare for a lecture if your feet are on the dash.

Hannah Porter

The whole outside of the truck can be muddy, but god forbid there's some dirt on the dash.

Cleaning out the car is not just taking the trash out of it.


Trash out, tools organized, car washed and waxed, tire shine, carpet vacuumed and shampooed, all seats moved, etc. It is a whole ordeal.

 Tools are everywhere.


Whatever you need, it will be there in large quantities. Also, let this go along with the ABSURD amount of money that is spent on car stuff. That ratchet in the middle can cost over $150!

 Don't open the garage.



 He won't go through a car wash.

Robert Keck

Hand wash only. Do not go through the tunnel. It will leave scratches in the paint (obviously).

There is always a "project car"...or cars. 

Hannah Porter

My boyfriend at all times has at least 2 project cars, I swear.

 Yes, that car has been sitting there for over a year.

Robert Keck

It will be worked on...eventually.

 He is a pro-negotiator


No one knows money better than your car guy. When it comes to negotiating prices, he is the one you want to bring with you.

 Most of his friends are car people, too.

Robert Keck and Jake Ryan

All the car parts, car talk, car pictures, and all the shit that goes with it is doubled or tripled. Wait untill there is a car full of them.

He'll do some stupid shit.

Hannah Porter

He'll be fine. You learn not to ask questions anymore.

 No matter how much he loves his car, he will always make you a priority and love you unconditionally.

Hannah Porter

I must say, all of this stuff can be a lot to deal with. But when you have the right person in your life, you will enjoy every moment of it. I have never laughed so hard in my life than I have with my car-loving boy. Do not let this discourage you. Date a car guy. It will be one of the best decisions you will make.

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