September is Here: Why it´s the Best Month | The Odyssey Online
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10 Reasons September Shines Bright

Autumn's Arrival

Orange pumpkins under white sky at daytime
Photo by Maddy Baker on Unsplash

With 12 options to pick from, some people may be wary as to why I claim September to be the best month in the year. I can already hear people shouting that December has Christmas, or that the bright sunlight of June should count for more. Though these are potent suggestions, September's transitional temperatures and many other attributes crown this month the reining victor.

1. School Supply Shopping

Pencils for school Photo by David Pennington on Unsplash

No matter the age, September is the month for back-to-school shopping. There is nothing I love more than opening up the fresh pages of a new notebook while staring starry-eyed at all of the bright yellow signage boasting of the back-to-school deals at a local drugstore.

2. Labor Day

U.S. American flag hanging on ceiling Photo by Jim Stapleton on Unsplash

The beauty of this holiday is that there isn't any one way to celebrate it. There's no hassle to create a feast like Thanksgiving, or any last minute shoppers frazzle like Christmas. Those who have Labor Day off are free to do whatever they please.

3. Beginning of Autumn

Concrete road in forest Photo by Benjamin Voros on Unsplash

Watching the leaves change on the trees, going apple picking, and unpredictable temperatures all begin in the wonderful month of September. Each day of the month has the potential be a different temperature outside, and that unpredictability of September allows us to don our favorite new fall clothes.

4. Syllabus Week

Woman in white tank top sitting on bed in front of laptop computer Photo by Dylan Gillis on Unsplash

Nothing is as beautiful as the first syllabus week of a school year. Getting out of class early and meeting all of your new classmates-- it's almost enough to forget that later in the semester students will be in a slump and will dread going to class!

5. Seasonal Drinks

Pumpkin Spice Latte Photo by Heidi Kaden on Unsplash

Three words: Pumpkin Spice Latte. But even for the non-coffee drinkers out there, September means the beginning of our favorite fall inspired flavors: cinnamon, apple and pumpkin, oh my.

6. Football Season

Brown and black Wilson football Photo by Dave Adamson on Unsplash

All fanatics await the month of September because it is finally time to start repping your team jerseys, grabbing a hot dog, and to going to the stadium to support your city's NFL team. Bonus points for the fun intramural leagues that begin in September's late afternoon glow.

7. Beyonce's Birthday

The birth of Queen B should be something that we celebrate more often than one day a year, but unfortunately September gets to claim this all important day. (September 4 for all that are not loyal to the hive.)

Beyonce in red Instagram

8. New Beginnings


September allows everyone to shed their summer skin, and maybe some summer sins, and begin setting new goals for the last few months of the year. With January creeping around the corner, September is the best month to remember, and scurry to complete, those New Year's resolutions.

9. Layers

Women's four assorted apparel hanged on clothes rack Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

The most fashionable, and the most effective, way to dress is in layers. Bomber jackets, hoodies, flannels, vests, boots, utility jackets, beanies– you name it, September is the month to wear it. With the transitioning temperatures, September is the best month to show off your fashion knowledge and layer on your favorite items.

10. September- Earth, Wind & Fire

You're In Love and Want To Dance - 'September' by Earth, Wind & Fire Giphy

Not only is this probably the most tweeted about song every September, but this tune by Earth, Wind, & Fire is just a jam. And after the 21 day of September ends, music lovers can just turn their attention to Green Day's "Wake Me Up When September Ends."

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