How to Glow Up Before School Starts
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How To Glow Up in The Last Stretch of Summer

Your last-minute guide to not only looking but also FEELING great before classes start back up.

How To Glow Up in The Last Stretch of Summer

Your last-minute guide to not only looking but also FEELING great before classes start back up.

1. Try out a new skincare routine

Get in the habit of washing your face before you go to bed and when you wake up in the morning if you don't already. Maybe go ahead and buy a new boujee night-moisturizer or face wash that you've been thinking about getting or research what would work best for your skin. Your skin in the summer might be very different than what it is in the colder months so your same skin routine from December might not be what's best for you now. If you're seriously struggling with skin issues as a result of the sun, pollen in the air, or anything else, pay one last visit to your dermatologist while you can so they can recommend a regimen that would work for you in the upcoming months. Invest in a facial! while they may seem like a waste of money they really do wonders for your skin; a huge bonus to prepare you for the new school year and the impending stress that it'll bring with it.

2. Fix your sleep schedule now!

If you're anything like me, your summer nights have been filled with anything but sleep. However, in just a few weeks you'll have to completely flip your schedule and be able to wake up before noon for your morning classes. Get a head on your sleep schedule, even if it means going to bed and waking up just an hour or two earlier. Not only will this make the transition into the school year easier, but your body will thank you for it now too!

3. Catch your final rays of summer

Even if your skin is super sensitive to the sun, now is your last opportunity to feel the warm breezes of summer before you're stuck indoors for nine months. The sun not only bronzes your skin to the Gods, but also has been proven to clear up blemishes and imperfections leaving your face and body looking fabulous and breakout free. So go make use of any poolside you can while you still have the opportunity.

4. Splurge on some cute new clothes that fit the style you want to achieve

We all know that as fun as summer is, it's also the season of astronomically high spending. Between lunch dates, concerts, and excessive gas money, you may not think that you have the spare cash to spend on a whole new wardrobe. However, if you cut down on some unnecessary expenses for the rest of the month and put some summer-job money aside to spend on just a few new tops or maybe an expensive pair of leggings you've been keeping your eyes on, you'll definitely thank yourself for it later. Try to get just a few little things for yourself that are bold statement pieces, not another tank top you have in three other colors. This summer, trying buying something that isn't exactly your everyday outfit but rather that style you want but have always thought you can't rock, you could surprise yourself.

5. Try to replace your dependency on soda and caffeine with water

Especially if you're in college, you know that your blood stream becomes overrun by coffee by the time exams roll around. Knowing this, try to cut down on your caffeine intake now so it can help you when you really need it. Think twice before sipping down a large iced caramel coffee with extra cream and sugar or getting a second coke refill with lunch and consider replacing it with water or a lemonade instead. You'll thank yourself in a few months and maybe even drop a few pounds in the process.

6. Do something wild!!!

It's the end of summer and although it's been fun, what's better than one last hurrah to get you ready for the school year ahead? Do one last spontaneous thing: go on a weekend adventure with some friends, get a cool piercing you've always wanted but have been hesitant to get, cut or dye your hair and rock a different style, or try a bold new makeup look you haven't been ballsy enough to wear out! If you've been looking for a sign, this is it. Doing something like this will boost your self-confidence and will have you starting your first day filled with reminders to embody the spontaneity of summer.

7. Try to do at least five minutes of physical activity every day

I'm not saying it's time to hit the gym, but studies have shown that taking a mere five minutes a day to get your blood pumping is super good for your mental health and wellbeing. Even if this means just taking a few minutes to stretch out tight muscles when you wake up in the morning or going on a short walk, physical excersise is the perfect way to get your day started or to destress after work. It's easy to say you're going to do this and much harder to actually motivate yourself enough to go through with it but I promise, your body and your mind will really thank you for it.

8. Have a personal care day

The upcoming school year brings with it promises to leave you very busy and very stressed. Before going into this, consider taking a night off from friends to take care of YOU. Do a face mask, take a relaxing bath with bubbles or a bath bomb, exfoliate your body, catch up on music you've been meaning to listen to, or read a book. There is no better way to get you into a ~good vibes~ mindset before starting school than the care and keeping of you!

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