There are only a couple weeks left until we as a nation have to decide on our next President of the United States. This is my first election that grants me the right to vote, but I know this isn't a normal election. The first woman nominee, Hillary Clinton, is running in this election, as well as a man, Donald Trump, with no political background is running for office as well. Definitely one for the history books.
Let me say this upfront: I don't like either candidate. I honestly am saddened by what my country has to offer my in my first election. I know there are people fighting for third party candidates but realistically, IT ISN'T GOING TO HAPPEN. By voting for a third party you are basically giving a vote to whichever candidate you hate more. It would be awesome to see a political revolution and a third party candidate with a fighting chance emerge, but this isn't the case in our upcoming election seeing how election day is only days away.
I am sick and tired of hearing people say that they don't know who to vote for, and which of the candidates are the "lesser of two evils". We get it, nobody really likes or trusts either nominee, but there is a HUGE difference in which is more "evil" than the other. I know Trump is "good" with money and business but there are SO MANY more things Presidents have to deal with. He's bad with women, immigrants, minorities, people who oppose him, and many others making him absolutely unfit or "dangerous" as Senator Bernie Sanders stated, to be the president.
So here's why I may not be #WithHer, but I will NEVER board the #TrumpTrain...
I'm all for making sure all of our immigrants pay taxes and are here legally, but the extreme that Trump is choosing to act upon is borderline crazy. According to Trump's website, this is his 10 Point Plan on Immigration.
Donald J. Trump’s 10 Point Plan to Put America First
1. Begin working on an impenetrable physical wall on the southern border, on day one. Mexico will pay for the wall.
2. End catch-and-release. Under a Trump administration, anyone who illegally crosses the border will be detained until they are removed out of our country.
3. Move criminal aliens out day one, in joint operations with local, state, and federal law enforcement. We will terminate the Obama administration’s deadly, non-enforcement policies that allow thousands of criminal aliens to freely roam our streets.
4. End sanctuary cities.
5. Immediately terminate President Obama’s two illegal executive amnesties. All immigration laws will be enforced - we will triple the number of ICE agents. Anyone who enters the U.S. illegally is subject to deportation. That is what it means to have laws and to have a country.
6. Suspend the issuance of visas to any place where adequate screening cannot occur, until proven and effective vetting mechanisms can be put into place.
7. Ensure that other countries take their people back when we order them deported.
8. Ensure that a biometric entry-exit visa tracking system is fully implemented at all land, air, and sea ports.
9. Turn off the jobs and benefits magnet. Many immigrants come to the U.S. illegally in search of jobs, even though federal law prohibits the employment of illegal immigrants.
10. Reform legal immigration to serve the best interests of America and its workers, keeping immigration levels within historic norms.
The only one that isn't offensive or inappropriate is the last one. News Flash Mr. Trump: WE ARE IMMIGRANTS. We took this country from Native Americans, fleeing oppression ourselves, and built our country on the idea of the "melting pot". You can not just simply ban all people that don't fit into your Aryan race standards. You claim that Mexico is sending over all of the "rapists" or "bad hombres" if you will. Guess what? We have plenty of bad hombres born and raised here, so maybe we should worry about that. We already have so many issues with people within state lines, born here, and yet they are not under nearly as much scrutiny as immigrants. We have rapists too, like Brock Turner, but he wasn't in trouble nearly as much as a man of color would have been.
By pushing this plan, you are pushing the idea that racism is okay, if not accepted, and that we should #MakeAmericaGreatAgain like it was in times of racial and gender inequality. Recently, a poll came out showing that if women did not have the right to vote, Trump would win by a landslide. Thousands of Trump supporters took to social media to try and #Repealthe19thAmendment and it is honestly appalling to see America go so far into the wrong side of history. So women, even if you don't like Hillary Clinton, (which is your right), why would you vote for this? Exercise your right to vote while you still can. (Half joking, half extremely scared that this could be an upcoming battle we'll have to fight.)
Speaking of women, here are some of Trump's stances on women's issues. (Yikes!) If you have free time just google "actual Trump quotes on women" and see what you get. For one thing, he wants to ban abortions, since, according to him they happen in the ninth month of pregnancy. He wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and defund Planned Parenthood which most likely affects each woman in our country at least once.
Listen, I get it. I am a woman and I am a feminist. I would never have picked Clinton for the woman to inspire all young girls. I think she is a liar, and gives a bad name to feminism by supporting Bill Clinton's infidelities and lies. She used to be against gay marriage as well. But she has changed with the times whereas Trump has not. The Democratic Party fights for LBGTQ+ rights regardless of which nominee is running, and that is an extremely important issue to me. Why should the guaranteed rights I have not be granted to others?
Trump should not be in charge of a country with such a military president globally. He has a bad temper and is extremely immature, claiming he will not accept the outcome of the election is he loses. He has a very stubborn opinion on how to deal with conflicts with other countries and it eerily feels like the beginning stages of a third world war.
Both Clinton and Trump's plans will increase our debt, and both presidencies will probably be one to look back on in the history books and cringe. Before you vote, do your own research! Trump does not think EPA restrictions are necessary as is, so if you care about the future or the Earth, take that into consideration. Trump does not want to fund any green energy products and as people in a world that is slowly depleting its resources and destroying it's natural beauty, this should be a bigger issue.
There are thousands of issues that both of these candidates have voiced opinions on and offered potential policies. I don't know nearly enough to speak on all the issues we face. Please make sure to do your research but I urge you to not get on the #TrumpTrain and take a ride back to the 1900's and even if you aren't #WithHer, you definitely SHOULD NOT be with him.