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30 Perfect Gift Ideas For Your Significant Other If You Haven't Been Dating More Than A Few Weeks

For the awkward stage between just sending a Happy Birthday GIF and buying them half of their dream wardrobe.

30 Perfect Gift Ideas For Your Significant Other If You Haven't Been Dating More Than A Few Weeks
Madisson Morris

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I know that when I start to date someone and the first holiday comes up, I am at a loss for gift ideas. I never know if I should be going all out, just be sweet and simple or spend hours handcrafting a masterpiece. You don't want to overdo it, but you never want to not do enough either. Hopefully, this list of perfectly moderate gifts will help you out as the Holidays and Birthdays creep up.

Here are the best gifts for your partner, if you haven't been dating very long:

1. Boxers/Underwear

It's intimate, yet you didn't go overboard.

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2. Candy bouquet

Name one person who wouldn't love a bunch of their favorite candy.

3. Wallet/Purse

Depending on how high maintenance they are, this could be the perfect or completely wrong first gift for your significant other.

4. Flowers

This may only go one way, but it is the perfect gift for your new girlfriend.

5. Picture Frame

Not too forward, but just something for them to put on their desk.

6. Tickets to their favorite event 

If you know them well enough, by all means get them tickets. They will never forget the fun date they were able to go on because of you.

7. Blanket

Everyone can always use another blanket, it's perfect. You can get creative and make them one with their favorite or school colors or one with their favorite team logo on it.

8. Mittens/Hat/Scarf

Very useful and always a much appreciated gift. If they're anything like me, I am always losing all three of these things and am always in need.

9. Candle

Girls love candles and if you could find something that didn't smell so florally, then guys would too. It's simple, but you're thinking of them at least.

10. Book 

If they're a reader, they will love the fact that you hand picked a book that you thought they were going to like. It will not go unappreciated for sure.

11. Mug/Travel mug

Ask yourself, are they coffee or tea drinkers? Yes? Well, this is the perfect gift for them.

12. Shirt or sweatshirt unique to their style

If you know their favorite style, color or brand and can feel confident in picking out clothes for them, do it.

13. Bake them their favorite goody

This maybe isn't a good idea if you specialize in cereal and toast only, but if you're a wiz at baking, they will love this.

14. A video game they don't have yet

This really only goes for those that enjoy video games, but I am positive that any gamer would not complain about receiving a new video game.

15. Gift card

Gift cards have such a negative connotation because they're always associated with people just buying it last minute. This doesn't have to be like that though, think about where they actually go daily and what they would actually use. Don't get them the general Target gift card, unless of course they are Target fanatics, but think about how they stop at Starbucks every morning. Get them a gift card and mention how coffee is on you for a week.

16. Cologne/Perfume

So basic, but I mean we all like it and use so it truly never fails.

17. Playlist/Mixtape

If you're into music or they are, make them a playlist you think they would truly enjoy or songs that remind you of them. It's completely free to put together a playlist, yet their reaction to it will be so priceless.

18. Simple jewelry 

By simple I mean this is the first gift you're giving to your significant other, do not over do it. Think about their style, this might mean buying a variety of colors of scrunchies or a cute and simple necklace.

19. Cook for them 

Plan a nice evening and treat them for a special dish you know how to prepare.

20. Phone case

If you're just looking for something useful and unique, a phone case is never a bad idea.

21. Bluetooth speaker

Who couldn't benefit from a new Bluetooth speaker?

22. Notebook and new pens

If they love stationary, they will worship you for this. Everyone who loves organizing and planning will think this is the greatest gift ever given.

23. Hammock

As I walk around my college campus, it seems like everyone has a hammock and everyone loves spending time in one. So, if they don't own one yet, change that.

24. Homemade coupon book

This is pretty much cost free, it may take you a little time to create the perfect amount of unique and personalized coupons for your significant other, but very worth it in the end.

25. A movie they've been dying to see

This might mean buying them the DVD, or it's still showing in theatres, take them out and pay for tickets and some popcorn.

26. Drink of choice

This works best for their twenty-first birthday of course, but it could really work for any occasion. You know they're going to like it and drink it, you're just saving them some time and money.

27. Water bottle

This may seem kind of small, but there are some really nice water bottles out there honestly. And who just doesn't use a water bottle?

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28. Make up

This will probably only be a good gift for your girlfriend, but guys, if you know what she likes or needs to add to her crazy collection, go for it. She'll love that you went out of your comfort zone for her.

29. Tote/Backpack/Weekend bag

It will seem like kind of a weird thing to buy for a gift, but they are always so useful.

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30. A plant

I don't know what it is, getting someone a living plant is such a cool thing. Can they keep it alive? Will it die within the first week? Is it in any form a symbol of your relationship? The thought possibilities are endless.

If still, you're still drawing blanks for ideas, don't worry. Open up your mind and think about who they are and what they like. If they're someone who loves photography, consider getting them a blank scrapbook or album for them to fill. If they're into video games, consider a new controller or headset. If you really aren't sure what they're that interested in, watch for subtle hints.

Are they complaining about how dirty their white vans are? Get them a new pair. Have they been non stop talking about their favorite artist coming to town? Buy them tickets for the both of you for a fun night out. Maybe you're looking for someone who isn't very materialistic, then think to yourself what kind of things they would appreciate being done for them every once in a while. The perfect gift for everyone is out there, don't worry.

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