Types Of Fuckboys
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13 Types of Fuckboys And How Exactly They'll Fuck You Over

Everyone (even you) is just a little bit of an asshole.

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Every girl has met, or even worse fallen for, a commitment-fearing, emotionally incapable bastard criticized for being a fuckboy. **Buzz Buzz** Was that your phone? Did you just get a Snap from him? Don't lie, girl, you like the attention.

Not one general definition can be decided to explain the disrespectful behavior of these men. They are unique people after all!Urban Dictionary has a variety of explanations describing different types of men broadly hurting women for personal reasons.

Fuckboys aren't all bad, however. Think of it this way: they are just protecting their hearts. We all make dull-witted mistakes and sometimes go about things the wrong, or in a foolish, way; so, really anyone can be labeled a "fuckboy" just for being a little douchey or making mistakes in life. That's why there are so many different kinds of men you will meet that are, well, fuckboys. Nevertheless, I'm not excusing their immature, selfish behavior.

Boys, don't fret if you fall into one of these categories—we are humans, we suck! You probably don't think you're a fuckboy, but everyone (even you) is just a little bit of an asshole. Recognition is the first step to change.

Here are the types of fuckboys, but most importantly, how and why they fuck you over:

The Ghoster


The ghoster is also a time-waster. Commitment elicits fear, which I, personally, understand, yet, these guys don't even think about the life of the women. He doesn't ask if you're free, instead, he'll tell you two are "Netflix and chilling" Tuesday night. This can be hot, mysterious, and enticing, but beware since he isn't acknowledging you as an individual with a separate life other than him! Abusive boyfriends who also speak to you like this—fuckboy! They desire control in their life and you can be an easy target.

The Needy One


These fuckboys need a woman to cling on to and rely on. That's why they are always texting you while Snapping another chick and FaceTiming a girl halfway around the world. He must assure that he won't be alone, but, girl, you deserve to be someone's one and only.

The Narcissist


No, abs are not a requirement but are definitely popular among these alphas. These guys are obsessed with themselves and are usually found shirtless posing in front of a mirror. As self-absorbed monsters, they need the validation and that's why they focus too much on their looks. Can they spare a minute of admiring themselves to talk to you about your problems? I don't think so.

The Chaser AKA The Flirt


I know this mofo all too well. He seems like the perfect man and you met him during the ideal time in your life. He treats you well, says all the right things, and, wait for it, even opens your car door! Two weeks pass by and your dreams come crashing down. As soon as you have fallen for him, he calms down his acts since he has accomplished chasing you down: He Got You! His true character is now shown and you have just been deceived. These guys are so blinded by the fact that you'd be the best girlfriend/wife that they feel they must have you even if their true feelings are all over the place. Don't be that fool!

The Stud


**Wipes drool off my face** Who wouldn't fall for Zac Efron?! Disturbingly hot men like him should be banned from this world, it's just too much too handle as his Instagram famous self flourishes with the attention he gets from girls. Consequently, you're on the back burner with a broken heart.

The Sex Obsessed


All this fuckboy is looking for is some action, whether you're into it or not is your decision. There isn't anything wrong with just wanting sex, but these details must be discussed prior to the deed(s).

The Liar


He's got more excuses than I can count. Watch out for these bad boys, they've got tricks up their sleeves for days. They lie because they're hiding from their truth: emotions, past memories, future fears.

The Dick Pic


What a macho man! He sends pictures of his genitalia without even having a genuine connection with a girl. Who needs conversation when you've got a penis?! These horny go-getters are too shy to talk to you, so they decide to scare you away instead—makes sense.

The Lover


"I love you! I love you! I love you!" Okay, okay, I get it, you think I'm "the one," but if I'm not feeling it, back off dude. These guys have got to come to terms with the fact that just because they love you doesn't mean you can reciprocate the feeling! The best part is that in a month, they'll find some other girl to name their "girl," "wife" "honey bee."

The Emotionally Unavailable


Not a problem if you need time to understand yourself and your feelings, but don't go jumping into relationships or "things" if you have no idea what's going on in that heart of yours! Not fair to us emotionally intelligent girls.

The Nerd


I get it, you're intelligent! But I'm not stupid either so stop pretending like you're better than me, jerk. I get it, you feel like your book-smarts is all you got and can provide, but that's the farthest thing from the truth. Just let loose, have fun, and discover yourself away from the textbooks!

The One-Upper


I went on a date with a guy and we decided to go to a party with my roommate and her boyfriend and the entire time he decided to "one-up" my roomie's boyfriend: "Oh dude, you play lacrosse? I was the captain," "Oh dude, you can lift this much? I can do 100x more!" "Oh dude, you're majoring in biology? I'm double majoring in biology AND applied mathematics and statistics." Hey, dude! No one cares! I'm sure you're amazing, start believing in yourself without bringing others down all the time.

The Prep


Don't be the ho to his boat. Well, unless you want to, I don't judge. Just be warned that his uptight manners will annoy the heck out of you, pinky-up style. Don't blame him, though, he was raised this way. Cheers!

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