Depressions sucks. I know, what a controversial statement for me to make. It can be a really difficult thing to fight since it has the ability to drain all your energy and willpower to do anything. It’s never something that completely goes away. So here’s some tips for those of you dealing with it to help keep depression at bay.
1. Meditation
I know this sounds like some weird hippy bullshit but I’m serious about this. It works. Every night before going to bed and every morning I find a quiet place to sit and just breathe and focus on nothing but my breathing. Trying to keep your mind focused on just that can be hard a first, but eventually it will become easy. It’s a great way to clear your mind to help you go to sleep, or start the day out fresh.
2. Make A "Good Things That Happened" List
Once again I know it sounds cheesy but it’s a way to keep you focused on the good things in your life. At the end of every day I make a list of at least three good things that happened that day. It can be something small like the Chiefs winning, or that someone complimented you. It could also be something big like a promotion or winning the lottery. After that, I list the things I am grateful for. It can be people, like a friend you talked to that day, your dog, or even being grateful for something that you learned. It’s easy most days, but on those tough days where nothing seemed to go right, it can help lift your mood to force yourself to find positives.
3. Workout
Exercise is great for fighting depression. Depression can manifest itself in anger, so having a punching bag, or going for a run can help get that frustration and aggression out. It could also be just going to the park and playing basketball. Just find an activity you enjoy that gets you sweating.
4. Get Some Sleep
Getting the proper amount of sleep is one of the most important for me. If I go multiple nights without getting at least 7 hours of sleep, depression will creep in. I have to make sure that once every 4 days I get 8 hours of sleep. I find that depression is always less of a factor on days like that.
5. Ride the Wave
Remember feelings are temporary, there is always the next day. Take one day at a time and take on whatever comes one day at a time. If you start focusing too far in the future and contemplating what if’s, you can get overwhelmed. Don’t bite off more than you can chew, just ride the wave.
Extra Tip: Don’t play video games. I know it may seem weird since video games is a form of escapism. It can be great for the time you’re playing, but when the day is done I get the overwhelming feeling that I was wasting my day away, which then increases my depression. Hope this list helps someone who needs it out there