As a Christian Dating is Hard
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As a Christian Dating is Hard

Stumbling your way through this can be confusing for everyone

As a Christian Dating is Hard

As Christians, we're supposed to live differently from the rest of the world – not because we're forced to but because of God's influence on our lives and our desire for Him has made us that way. However, our faith can make for some tough water to tread when it comes to the whole finding love thing. I'm going to do my best to give blunt and faintly personal insight on why things are so hard when it comes to dating…

Christians date to get married


Let's be honest for a second. If a Christian is dating they will most likely be looking to set that relationship in stone if it works out - like a Moses and the ten commandments kind of solid. They want the whole thing. They want the vows to God and to each other, they want a ceremony establishing that (cool FYI: weddings also represent Christ's return for the church), they want life together, and they want it with someone special (see next point).

Christians should be looking for Jesus in the person they’re dating

This shouldn't come as a shock to anyone, but I'll say it anyway. Real life Christians are searching for other Christians to date and then marry. I know this isn't groundbreaking info, but that's the 'someone special' from point #1. The Bible really does say not to be bound together (married) to someone who doesn't believe in Jesus (2 Cor. 6:14). Christians will pass up on attractive people who don't believe but not only because of one verse - it's for a more intimate reason than that.

The Christian faith is not something you just do on the weekend y'all.

Faith in Jesus impacts your whole life - it has a hand in everything you do and every decision you make. It's bigger than you are and it changes you. Knowing Jesus allows you to love others, to invest in God's work and leave your sin behind for a life of redemption from slavery to ourselves and this world. Christians want marriage with someone who understands their faith and shares in why they do what they do and what it means to them. Not only do Christians need someone who understands, but they want a person who can help them to become closer to Jesus and live life in a way that honors Him... getting worn out with the pre-req's yet?

They say they believe so it should be good, right?

Alright, so here's some truth. Consider yourselves warned. Some of you may be thinking from point #2, "Oh, so it's okay as long as I don't marry them." Sure, on a technicality, but there's a small problem (big problem).

Here's the issue you will run into when the Christian dates someone who doesn't believe in Jesus: that Christian shouldn't be marrying that person, so dating is going to be a waste of time for him/her. Some people come to know the Lord after dating a believer, but that is less common. It's easier for the Christian person to actually become less involved in their faith or even ditch it than it is for the person who doesn't believe to come to faith. "It's easier for someone to be pulled off a chair than to pull someone up on to it." Lastly, being a Christian is more than just believing in God or some guy named Jesus. It's living life differently by faith in Him. The Bible says that even demons believe in God and Jesus and they shudder (James 2:19). The person a Christian dates will need to have faith and live for Him for it to go anywhere.

Standards are high…

If you've read this far, congratulations! You've won the grand prize of one half-eaten family sized box of Wheat Thins Reduced Fat! Actually, what you've probably just figured out is that Christians have some Rocky Mountain high standards. That's true. God loves each of us dearly but He's a perfect God with high standards; in fact, they're so high He knew He had to send His Son who was God in human form (Jesus) to earth to die in our place for our inadequacies (sin) towards these super high standards. That's how much God wanted us to be able to be with Him!

The search is on

What Christians are trying to do then is find someone who is real, authentic and genuine in their pursuit of Christ. On top of that, Christians are not robots who are all alike. Every person has different preferences, likes/dislikes, hopes/dreams, and individual personalities. So finding another human being we want to spend our life with who is also a genuine Christian will make for a tough search.

There is hope

Heck, I've been convinced I won't be able to find someone who meets my, sometimes begrudgingly, necessary and lofty faith and personal standards. This is the frightening part where faith meets the road. If God doesn't help me, I won't be able to find her. The temptation is to give up some of my (sometimes annoying) standards. As it currently stands, who could ever meet the criteria? I've already cut out anything that was basically just preference and wasn't truly necessary, so what do I do? Will God provide?

According to Genesis 24 and Genesis 29, God is used to providing for His people when it comes to finding love. Both Issac and Jacob were searching for someone special - someone that only God could provide, and with faith, it was so. The simple, yet difficult solution is to persevere. We have to stand firm and continue putting Jesus first as we look and have faith that the Lord will provide that person for me and for you too.

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." - Matt. 6:33

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