Thank You To My Boyfriend For Being My Other Half
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Thank You To My Boyfriend For Being My Other Half

Telling you how much you mean to me would take ages. Thank you for all you do.

Thank You To My Boyfriend For Being My Other Half
Julie Myers

Hey Sweetie,

When writing this letter, I'm not even sure where to begin. There are so many things that I can say that one letter just doesn't seem to do. I could write you a letter a day for an entire year and I'm still not sure it would be enough to get into all our memories and the way you make me feel, but you deserve a letter at the least, even if it is shorter than I would like it to be. It's just scratching the surface. One of the main things I want to say in this letter is thank you. It'll be such a reoccurring theme that you may get tired of hearing it, but I just appreciate all that you do for me so much that I can't help but say it a thousand times. I want you to know it and be sure of it and remember it.

So here we go.

I want to thank you for being my rock. For being there for me when I feel down. For comforting me when I'm overthinking something, even if it is for the five thousandth time, and never telling me it is annoying or that I am annoying even though I'm sure you do get tired of it coming up. Thank you for being patient with me and always trying to work through things with me. Thank you for holding me through heartaches and putting your feelings aside when I'm upset just to be there for me, no matter how crappy of a day you also may have had. Thank you for squeezing me tight and speaking gently to me when I'm upset, refraining from ever yelling at me. Thank you for never questioning when I'm uncomfortable with someone or something, and instead respecting how I feel. Thank you for taking action after I tell you how I feel instead of making me feel bad that I feel the way I do and for never making an empty apology.

Thank you for giving me all your time. For making me feel wanted. For always hanging out with me and always making me feel like there is nothing else in the world you would rather be doing. Thank you for making me feel like a priority. Thank you for spoiling me with dinner dates, birthday presents, small surprises, and all of the little things. Thank you for bringing me your sweatshirts and leaving cookies on my desk when I don't even ask. Thank you for writing me sweet songs about us and hyping me up when I post a picture or get ready for a night out. Thank you for showing me off and making me feel like you're proud to call me yours. Thank you for complimenting every part of me, even the insecurities that I have that you don't even know you're complimenting.

On a more lighthearted note, thank you for being the person I can call when I need to put self-tanner on my back and can't reach it. Thank you for letting me steal bites of your food and sips of your milkshake, never protesting after I take five long drinks instead of the small sip I said I was going to take. Thank you for paying attention enough to know my order at Chipotle and what combination I get when I order a 4 for 4 at Wendy's. Thank you for knowing my drink of choice and always getting it for me. Thank you for ordering fries for me still even after I said I wasn't hungry because you know me well enough to know I will be in the next five minutes. Thank you for sending me funny tweets and "This made me think of you" messages and for having the same sense of humor that I do.

Thank you for being my other half. For being able to say the exact same sentence at the exact same time in the exact same way as I do, making us seem even more in sync than we already do. Thank you for having the same values and morals as I do. For basically being me in another person. Thank you for walking across campus to me on the days I don't feel like moving. Thank you for listening to one song I like every night for months on end just to get into the stuff I like more. Thank you for not only encouraging me to fulfill my goals and dreams, but walking by me as I get there. Thank you for always going out of your way to read every article I put out, including this one.

Thank you for trusting me with your heart and all that you are.

There are so many more things that I am thankful for that you do for me and I want you to know they are all appreciated and noticed, from the very littlest thing to the biggest. You are selfless. You are kind. You are patient. You are wonderful in every way. You are brave and strong and handsome. You are incredibly smart. You are driven and hardworking and passionate about the things you love. You love a deep and beautiful type of love. You are talented in more ways than one, especially when it comes to music. You are funny and personable and charismatic. You are bold and adventurous. You are contagious in more ways than one. You radiate happiness. You bring out the best in others. You are fun to be around and you are company I could never get tired of. You are thoughtful and inspiring. You are calming. You make me feel safe. You should be proud of yourself and all that you do, but especially be proud of all that you are.

I am proud to call you mine for both reasons.

You are a gift, a dream come true, and almost too good to be true in every way. Thank you for being you. Thank you for supporting me and joining me on adventures and pouring into me time and time again. You are loved by me beyond measure and I hope that someday I might be able to repay you for everything you have done for me. You are the best. I love you.

Thank you.


Your girl

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