10 Reasons Baseball Seasons Needs To Start ASAP
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10 Reasons Baseball Seasons Needs To Start ASAP

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10 Reasons Baseball Seasons Needs To Start ASAP
Condra Lea Carter

The NFL is leading up to the Super Bowl, collegiate and pro basketball are in full swing, but there is another sport that’s coming up that I just can’t wait for: baseball season. As a sports photographer, there is no athletic event that is more exciting to photograph. I can’t explain the euphoric feeling of capturing the spray of dirt as a player slides home or that perfect outfield fly ball catch. And this season can’t get here fast enough (26 days until the first season game for the Auburn Tigers).

I’m not saying that I’m the biggest baseball fan that you will ever see. As a matter of fact, I barely followed the World Series and probably couldn’t even name one pro player. But that doesn’t mean I don’t love baseball and everything it stands for. Especially taking pictures of it (it’s probably my favorite thing to do.)

1. Baseball is America’s Favorite Pastime

Baseball has been around in an official capacity since the mid-1850’s and has gained traction ever since. While many people claim football to be the sport of the United States, baseball will always hold the title of America’s favorite pastime. It’s survived economic downfalls, World Wars, and all the troubled times that America has ever seen. Not to mention it inspired every little girl and boy to pick up a bat and take a swing.

2. It’s probably the first sport you played as a child

When I was a kid, the first sport my siblings and I played was tee-ball. Which obviously led us to baseball and softball. Even though I was absolutely terrible, (I was in the outfield playing with dirt 99.9% of the time) the softball field was my favorite place in the whole world. I lived for hot, dusty tournaments, the clamor of cleats on the dugout floor, and closing my eyes and swinging my bat at the coming ball. (Update: you aren’t supposed to shut your eyes).

3. Baseball inspired some of the greatest movies of all time

There are so many amazing baseball movies: Angels In the Outfield, 42, The Benchwarmers, A League of Their Own, Bull Durham, and my personal favorite, The Sandlot. From based on a true story, to complete comedy, to a loving story of friendship, and everything in between, baseball has led to some of the greatest movies of all time.

4. The pants

Does this even need explaining? They say women love a man in a uniform. Well, I love a man in a baseball uniform. Especially the pants. Always the pants. They’re classic and extremely attractive which makes for a pretty amazing combo. In addition, baseball jerseys are actually really cute, and I am determined to own more than a few.

5. It’s excitingly boring

In most cases, baseball doesn’t have those nail-biting endings that more fast paced sports have, i.e. football and basketball. But baseball has this general air of nostalgia and excitement that you can watch unfold before your very eyes. In other sports, you blink and you missed the most important play of the game. With baseball, you watch with anticipated breath as a player steals for home, or pray that the ball makes it beyond the fence when the bases are loaded.

6. You can actually hang out and still pay attention

As I was saying in #5, baseball isn’t quite as fast paced as other sports. You can bundle up your friends and family and head to the ballpark for an entire day of fun. You and your girlfriends can chitchat about that terrible professor and not miss a single play even though your head was turned. It’s the perfect mix of social time and sports time when you're in the stadium.

7. Souvenirs

Chances of you getting a football from the quarterback or a t-shirt thrown from the cheerleaders at a basketball game are slim… but at a baseball game chances of you catching a foul ball are all dependent on how much you’re paying attention and if you remembered to bring your glove. Or your ball cap turned upside down. Whichever you prefer. Also, baseball games are the best places for foam fingers, and the baseball practically invented the bobblehead.

8. The walk out music

This is both for the players and the fans. Hearing that bada** music that the player’s pick for their walk out music is always fun. You sit in your seat and wiggle along to the beats. Not to mention between innings, someone put together an amazing playlist just so you could get up and dance. Hopefully, there isn’t that middle-aged, beer gut dude who’s ruining your dance vibes, but normally there is.

9. The food

The best pretzels, candy bars, nachos, hot dogs, chili, and drinks are definitely found in the baseball stadium. You literally cannot find better stadium food anywhere. Not at football games, not at basketball games, nowhere. Not to mention that baseball has food solely designated for the sport: sunflower seeds and peanuts and crackerjacks. And don’t forget that they have their own bubblegum.

10. For the love of the game

The best reason to be excited for baseball season is baseball. You can know exactly nothing about baseball and still have so much fun at a game. Whether it’s that really cute player that’s up to bat, or the incredible throw from outfield to home, baseball can be loved by any girl, boy, mom, dad, sports enthusiasts, or sports hater.

Baseball season, I’m counting down the days until I can step into the park, even if it means I have to come with a blanket and parka. Take me out to the ball game, because I’m ready for a home run.

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