95 Reasons Why The Guy Who Slid In Your DM’s Is The Man Of Your Dreams
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95 Reasons Why The Guy Who Slid In Your DM’s Is The Man Of Your Dreams

Slide into the DMs like, hey, what's up, hello.

95 Reasons Why The Guy Who Slid In Your DM’s Is The Man Of Your Dreams
Dalton Barker

Obviously the man of your dreams will be romantic enough to slide into your DMs. He'll want to meet you so bad that he'll message you by any means possible. You may be questioning his motives and you may not believe he could be anything more than just another one of those dirt-bag, lying boys. Emphasis on boy. But no -- the one who slides into the DMs? Now that's a man. The man of your dreams, I might add. Here's 95 reasons how you know it's meant to be.

1. He has confidence.

2. He cares what you have to say (tweet).

3. He's willing to make the first move.

4. He wants to take you out.

5. He's probably willing to pay, too.

6. You can probably get him to buy you flowers.

7. He has funny jokes.

8. And cheesy pick-up lines, most likely.

9. He has experience, which is good if you have no idea what you're doing.

10. He thinks you're pretty.

11. If he commented on something you said, you know he listens.

12. If he used good grammar, he's a keeper.

13. If he doesn't seem like he's dehydrated, he's probably a keeper.

14. If the conversation doesn't die after "wyd," marry that man.

15. Also, if it makes it past the "hey, you're pretty," you should also marry him.

16. You have him wrapped around your finger, so you get to choose what's for dinner.

17. You can stalk his life, too.

18. Which, you probably did the second he slid into the DMs before you responded.

19. If you responded to a random DM, it's real love.

20. They put thought and effort into the message, which means they'll put thought and effort into the relationship.

21. If you feel socially awkward, they don't, so you can use them as your safety crutch.

22. He's good with technology so you know he'll probably have a nice job.

23. You'll always have fun.

24. You've always wanted a modern fairy tale.

25. You literally had a dream about them last night.

26. You might be slightly crazy.

27. You're lucky.

28. It started as a prank, but you end up actually liking them.

29. You thought about DM-ing them first.

30. You jokingly reply, but end up having a great conversation.

31. You really connect over why Donald Trump memes are life.

32. You both have fire Twitter handles.

33. You both tweeted about the same thing, two years ago.

34. You both graduated high school.

35. He'll always be better than Trump.

36. He'll always be better than Ted Cruz. ( 'Cause would you really want to end up with the Zodiac Killer?)

37. He loves your imperfections, like the time you live tweeted that one Nickleback concert.

38. He's persistent.

39. Like, really persistent. Who doesn't love that??

40. He'll never give up on you and always wait for your reply.

41. He probably texts back faster than you ever expected.

42. He's totally reliable.

43. He once retweeted a bunch of cute puppies.

44. He'll probably buy you a puppy, too.

45. He said you could have whatever you wanted, so we're having cupcakes at the wedding.

46. He even agreed to pink as the wedding color.

47. He stayed up until 3 a.m. DM-ing you.

48. He was so smooth you offered your number.

49. He waited until you fell asleep until he stopped FaceTiming you.

50. He didn't judge you too hard when he saw your stuffed animal collection.

51. You have the same taste in music, like Bey or Drake.

52. He said he wasn't like the others.

53. Obviously you can trust him.

54. It's been the best 27 hours of your life.

55. You got his Snapchat, so it's getting pretty serious,

56. He's totally your top Snapchat friend. Wedding bells, anyone?

57. You feel like it's not a booty call texting him at 12 a.m.

58. You've been talking for two days, but you just know it's fate.

59. You've been on Pinterest planning your wedding.

60. You sent him a picture of your dream ring and he didn't say no right away.

61. He sends you his best gym selfies, so you, like, know he's strong and stuff.

62. He challenges you, like that time he didn't respond for exactly 52 minutes and you had to keep from double texting him.

63. You challenge him, like the time he asked a question and you didn't respond for 12 minutes.

64. He told you he wanted to be a doctor when he was younger, so he has a lot of ambition.

65. He said he deleted his Tinder for you.

66. And his Kik. Such romance.

67. He finally sent you a shirtless Snap and oh, boy he's a keeper.

68. He even said, "good morning, beautiful," so obviously he loves you.

69. He hasn't pressured you to do anything.

70. In fact, you're the one that asked if you could hang out, and he said sure.

71. He assures you that there's no way he could ever talk to two girls at once like that.

72. He said that you're the only one for him.

73. He sends you kissy emojis and the heart eye emojis.

74. When you say you like him, he says thanks. He's so polite.

75. He said that one time, your tweets at 3 a.m. inspired him to get Whataburger. You inspire him. He inspires you.

76. He started following you because his aunt recommended you. It's such a romantic beginning for you two.

77. Obviously he cares about his family, due to number 76. He's totally a family man.

78. He says he plays sports, so you know he has discipline.

79. He said he'd stay with you if he ever got you pregnant. Wow, he's so trustworthy.

80. It's now been 44 hours and you still can't stop smiling.

81. You wonder how he knows exactly what to say.

82. You've told all your friends about how he's "literally perfect, y'all."

83. You're friends totally agree with you.

84. When you show them all pictures of him, they think he's the cutest one you've ever talked to.

85. They ask when the wedding will be.

86. If you haven't mentioned him in a while, they ask how he's doing.

87. You get giddy talking about him.

88. You ask him where you guys stand in your relationship. He says a bond is better than any title.

89. You tell everyone about how great of a bond you have with this guy you've known on the Internet for five days and three hours.

90. This is like way better than Tinder or eHarmony because you didn't need a dating website to get the man of your dreams.

91. Everyone says you should take it to the next level so you talk to him about your relationship again. He totally respects you.

92. You told him you don't play games with relationships, and he said he respects that.

93. He doesn't respond to your next message so you think he's playing hard to get. So cute.

94. You decide to play hard to get back and never message him back.

95. You still think about him every day even though he stopped DM-ing you six months, two weeks and three days ago.

But you're not obsessed, right?

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