20 Things Every 20-Something Year Old Needs To Know
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20 Things Every 20-Something Year Old Needs To Know

It's good to have a reminder every now and then.

20 Things Every 20-Something Year Old Needs To Know

It's no joke when they say that life is a matter of trial and error. You either hit the jackpot on the first try or you have to keep playing the game to increase your chances of finding a win.

Welcome to the game of life.

You're going to have days, months and years that go incredibly well and it seems as if the universe, God and everyone is on your side.

Then life has to take a sharp left turn and gives you every single obstacle and throws it your way all at once. Everything feels like it's crumbling down all at once. It's the beauty of life. Through those obstacles, we learn about ourselves, others, right and wrong and how to remain positive.

I strongly believe that these are 20 things that every 20-some year old need to keep in mind when they go about the rest of their life.

1. People are going to hurt you.

It's inevitable. Everyone at some point in their 20s are at a different point than you might be in your 20s. We are all trying to navigate our way through this crazy thing called life. It gets confusing and overwhelming. Don't be surprised if someone says something they might not mean or act upon something they may never do — it may hurt, but you can either let it define you or you can move forward. Just remember to never hurt anyone the way they hurt you.

2. Some people just don't understand their boundaries.

You'll see this every day, whether it be in college, at work or in relationships. People will invade your personal space to another level and may not even know they are doing it. Some people may say radical things or do or say something you would never imagine yourself doing in a work environment. Or even some people will barge in on your relationships to receive attention from your significant other. Yeah, it sucks — but just be thankful you don't seek attention 24/7 because it's a bad habit to have.

3. Get out of your comfort zone.

Nobody likes to feel uncomfortable. When do you ever get to be where you want to be without challenging yourself and taking steps to further where you want to go or end up? You may have to leave people behind to get where you want to go, but they either follow you or they don't. If they don't, hey, more time for you to chase your dreams and accomplish them.

4. Travel while you're YOUNG.

It's the truth. When we accept full-time jobs, even eventually have families someday — you tend to get busy and schedules start filling up and you simply don't make time for a trip across the country. Traveling while you're young is wonderful because you have nothing holding you back, you're physically capable of getting around places and you don't necessarily have huge responsibilities yet.

5. Move away.

Take what you can get if you can get something in your hometown city — because a job is a job after college. Nothing is long-term in your career, remember that. Having experience and some money under your belt can be a good thing. It doesn't hurt to just pack up and move to another state or even country! It allows you to grow, you can meet a great deal of new people and there are a plethora of opportunities out there!

6. Treat your body right.

All too often we forget to treat our bodies in the right manner. Eat healthy, get exercise, get plenty of rest and stay hydrated! I hear people complain all the time that they get irritable if they don't have their morning coffee or feel sluggish throughout the day ... Believe me, if you sleep at least seven hours, drink lots of water, keep yourself busy during the day and get a workout in — you will never feel better, or happier!

7. Get rid of social media for a couple days, weeks or even months!

Recently, I have been eliminating my social media use. It's refreshing. You get too many of the wrong ideas and conceptions through them, and it's a constant vicious cycle of thinking other people are better than you.

I think it's healthy to get rid of social media. There are so many people that are in too deep. Yes, it's great to be engaged and on top of things going on in our world. But it goes too far when someone continually posts just to post or even to get attention by their latest "selfie." Believe me, if you think someone is "perfect" or has this perfect life that they have portrayed through social media — odds are that really isn't the case at all.

8. Listen to music; it will save you.

Music is truly the only healer you need. Sure, there will be songs that you just have to push the "next" button due to memories or just your mood that day — but I promise you, it makes you feel 100 times better when you listen to music while you read, work out, tackle some work, a project, or just going on a drive.

9. Value your friends.

There are a lot of things that can get in the way of friends. Everyone has their own schedules nowadays and can become quite busy. Never lose sight and never let them think that you don't think about them or care. Always send texts or try to get together at least once a week if you can to catch up and support one another!

10. Put down your phone.

Like I mentioned earlier with social media, put your phone down. I have realized I have been turning my phone off more during the day at work. Putting your phone down helps you see what's really out there rather than what someone ate for lunch on your social media feed.

Go and do something without your phone. Stop looking at your phone when people are talking to you — it's rude. Simply, just put it down — you don't need it every second.

11. Read, read, read. It's exercise for your brain.

Never stop learning. It's always great to have books available to read. Whether you spend hours in the library or hours in Barnes and Noble or on Amazon searching for the book that best appeals to you — take at least 30 minutes out of your day to read something!

12. You are perfect the way you are.

The beauty of being human is that we are all different in our own unique way. If someone doesn't see your beauty, your heart and your fun personality, then they don't deserve a spot in your life. Just remember that even though it's hard and we are all guilty of it — don't compare yourself to anyone.

13. You aren't entitled to anything.

Just because your parents were successful, success runs in your family or you know of connections galore — that doesn't mean you are entitled to a job or a spot anywhere in life. Nowadays everyone thinks that they should move to the top immediately — but it takes a lot more time than most people think. Being patient, working hard, being kind, playing it smart and paying your dues is what you have to do to get where you want to go.

14. Don't waste people's time.

Whether it be in school, a job or relationship, if you aren't ready for something — you either get ready for it, or you simply give it up. Don't waste people's time, energy or effort if you don't want to pursue something.

15. Admit you were wrong.

Nowadays everyone is so quick to blame others to make themselves look good. If you know you did something wrong — you need to come forth and be the bigger person. We all get caught doing something we shouldn't do; just accept it and learn from it.

16. Don't date for the sake of dating.

If you don't want to be in a relationship, great. Nobody's telling you to be in one. Don't just date because you're afraid to be alone. If you are afraid to be alone, then you shouldn't be in a relationship. Everyone should experience being independent and be able to be happy by themselves rather than depend on the happiness of others.

Date for the right reasons — like truly enjoying someone's personality, the connection you share and the laughs, smiles and love you have for one another.

17. If everybody loves you, you're doing it all wrong.

Stop being a people pleaser. Plain and simple. Not everyone is going to like you in life, and if you can't accept that then you will go nowhere you want to go in life. Trust me.

18. Constantly set goals for yourself.

It's always good to have something to achieve. You will never make the changes or go where you want to go if you don't set goals for yourself. Grab a piece of paper or a journal and write weekly, monthly, even yearly goals for yourself.

19. Never stop being curious.

Question everything. Pick up more books, spend more time in coffee shops and in libraries reading and seeking out information. Try and learn at least five different things a day.

20. The "One" is out there.

You may have to wait for a time longer than the person next to you to find them — but I truly believe there is someone for everyone.

Be patient.

If you've grown distant from someone, remember they always find their way back if they miss you. Otherwise, there is someone out there for everyone. Enjoy your life and fulfill your goals and dreams you have for yourself. Be yourself. Love yourself, and that person will come along when it's time. Don't worry.

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