The 20 Struggles Of A Long Distance Friendship
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The 20 Struggles Of A Long Distance Friendship

You make it work though.

The 20 Struggles Of A Long Distance Friendship

As the end of the summer inevitably approaches, hard goodbyes also approach. And the hardest one of all is when your best friend doesn’t go to the same college as you. Despite the many attempts to get each other to switch colleges to go to the same one as you, you both decided on different colleges hours away from each other. But you aren’t ready to just throw each other’s friendship away despite the distance; instead you decide to become long-distance best friends. And this shouldn’t even be hard with today’s technology. Below is what to expect when you become a long distance best friend.

1. No matter what, she will always take your side and have your back.

You’re best friends for a reason, and now more than ever she will support you in all your new endeavors even though she can’t be there. Especially now when she won’t always know the circumstances surrounding certain situations, she will always take your side.

2. Every FaceTime call will be at least 2 hours.

EVERY. GODDAMN. TIME. You’ll try the whole “just a quick call” and sure enough, two hours will pass and you’ll have missed two of your classes. It doesn’t even matter how much time has passed since you last talked to her.

3. Despite being hours away, she will still be the first to hear about your most recent successes.

If you achieve anything on campus, you will still text/call her about it first. It’s a habit from high school you just don’t intend on breaking anytime soon.

4. Talking to her will become one of your favorite pastimes.

You have an hour in between classes? You’re definitely going to FaceTime/text her because she’s still your go to gal at the end of the day.

5. Sh*t will go down when one of you visits the other.

The only thing that’s changed between you two is your alcohol tolerance, and having her around guarantees the worst hangover of your life.

6. You will reminisce about the old days, which will get you excited to hang again in person.

Getting Noodles & Co. without her just won’t be the same. So naturally you’ll text her and reminisce about your many Noodles dates and how you literally have to go there the next time you see her.

7. If you hate someone, so will she, even if she doesn’t know them.

You know that b*tch who threw a drink on her at that party? No? Doesn’t matter, you still hate her with a passion for being so rude to the best person you know.

8. She will give you her brutally honest opinion when no one else will.

At the end of the day you’re still far away. So when she needs to give you a heart-to-heart about getting your act together, she will. It’s not like you’ll get mad and won’t sit with her for lunch. At the end of the day you will still want to text her the next day.

9. Your Facebook wall will have at least one post from her each month.

Maybe it’s a gif from your favorite TV show. Maybe it’s an article like this about how being long distance sucks. Regardless, she’ll find a way to stay on your FB wall.

10. Birthday Instagram posts might as well be #tbt’s because you two haven’t taken any pictures together in who knows how long.

You used to have a ton of pictures together solely because you were always together. But now the closest you can get is screenshotting a FaceTime call every once in a while.

11. You will have an unhealthy sports rivalry with her college.

Because you guys aren’t supporting the same team anymore, you are definitely going to give each other crap when your school beats them at anything. It really doesn’t even matter what sport.

12. Ugly Snapchats are basically mandatory on the daily.

You really regret that when your birthday rolls around and she has 4531245 ugly screenshots. But it’s always a fun surprise in class to get an ugly pic of her.

13. You can tell her your embarrassing stories and not worry about them leaking it to everyone you know on campus.

She will know all the times you puked and all the dumb things you did because you know that when she inevitably accidentally tells someone, it won’t be anyone on your campus.

14. Your vent sessions will be legendary.

She’ll always listen and listen for as long as you want so long as you listen to her after. So when you guys do decide to vent to each other, it’ll be legendary and you’ll feel so relieved afterwards.

15. You will say an inside joke to someone other than her and feel uncomfortable immediately afterwards.

It’s going to happen. You’ll be with one of your new friends and say an inside joke to them and realize that they have no idea what you’re talking about. And it’s not like you’re going to explain it seeing as it’s your thing with her.

16. You will have to work extra hard to stalk that new guy she’s talking to.

She was never really going to tell you everything about him even if you were on the same campus. But now that you’re further away you’re going to have to work twice as hard to get the details on this boy. A lot of Facebook stalking will ensue. Guaranteed.

17. Your Facebook poke wars will get out of control.

100 is just the beginning. The war will never end, you will easily arrive at 500 before first semester is even over.

18. You will still feel out of the loop despite talking to her three times a week.

Those few days you don’t talk to her, naturally something fun and exciting will happen and you’ll see the Facebook pictures but be sad because you don’t know the story. But not to worry, when you FaceTime tomorrow, you’ll hear all about it, all you have to do is ask.

19. You’ll begin to feel like you know her friends personally even though you’ve never met them.

If you actually ever meet them you will have to conceal your knowledge. You will also feel like you’re a part of all the clubs she’s in. She’ll begin to feel as though she is in your sorority and vice versa. You’ll talk so much about the shenanigans you both do on campus you’ll begin to feel as though you were there.

20. You will pick up right where you guys left off when you last saw each other.

At the end of the day, despite not seeing each other regularly, when you reunite it will be like nothing changed, and it’ll feel so good.

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