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8 Expectations For The Upcoming Winter Romance On 'The Bachelor'

Let's not forget the cocktail parties, ladies!

8 Expectations For The Upcoming Winter Romance On 'The Bachelor'

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Move over New Year's, "The Bachelor" is all we have been waiting for and counting down the days since November. Most of Bachelor Nation knows Colton Underwood, this season's bachelor is famously known for being a virgin and his unsuccessful journey on "Bachelor in Paradise."

But what can we expect for season 23 of "The Bachelor"?

1. Drama Of Course

The Bachelor / Giphy

Drama is what makes "The Bachelor" special. Not only do you see women compete against one another but also have a range of feelings along the way. You may even say that some of the contestants behave like teenagers or children. Or to top it off, the bachelor may have chosen the wrong girl.

2. One That Always Causes Trouble

The Bachelor / Giphy

On every season of "The Bachelor," there is always one drama queen that stands out from the others and make themselves known to all in the house through gossip or even outrageous behavior. In case you haven't been paying attention, all of them get voted off for it. Let's not forget about Olivia and her Kankles.

3. More Scenic Locations

The Bachelor / Giphy

"The Bachelor" is notorious for the variety of filming locations in other countries including Thailand, Italy, and Croatia. Watching "The Bachelor" makes you feel as if you are simply vacationing in one of those countries from your living room couch.

4. The Tears

The Bachelor / Giphy

On the preview commercials for each season, the advertisement always has a girl crying. It shows how many feelings are unsettled and constantly fluctuating. The stress of many girls dating one guy and the fear of not getting chosen can get to the contestants.

5. Colton's Attractiveness

Colton is an attractive bachelor, unlike Arie on the past season of "The Bachelor." And did I mention he was also an NFL player? There were multiple handsome men who made it to the final four on the last season of "The Bachelorette" with Garrett, Blake, and of course Colton making it to hometown week.

6. More Diversity

The Bachelor / Giphy

In recent years, there has been controversy over the amount of racial diversity among contestants of "The Bachelor" and "The Bachelorette." In 2012, "The "Bachelor" franchise has long faced criticism for its overwhelmingly white casts and was the subject of a class-action lawsuit that cited racial discrimination in casting decisions." This season includes more diversity than previous seasons of "The Bachelor" with white and African-American women.

7. More Bikinis And Cocktail Parties

The Bachelor / Giphy

It's easy to make fun of women prancing around "The Bachelor" mansion in their bikinis, stroking their hair with one hand and alcohol in the other. Whether it is pure entertainment or just fun to watch, bikinis, pools and cocktail parties never get old.

8. The Colorful Dresses

Lastly, let's not forget the abundance of beautiful, colorful and variety of dresses the women wear. Seeing all the women dressed up for a nice event inspires viewers at home to be clean and put together as well.

Watching "The Bachelor" this season could inspire you to be in a relationship, realize you're not interested, or motivate you to get back out there. If you simply are over New Year's and the holidays, think about "The Bachelor," the upcoming winter romance.

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