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Boys, Take Note–Here Are 11 Foolproof Ideas For Your Next Date, All Female-Approved

Not all guys are fuckboys. Who knew?

Boys, Take Note–Here Are 11 Foolproof Ideas For Your Next Date, All Female-Approved

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Think about the best date you've ever been on. Now think about the last time you went on a date that was even close to being as memorable. It's probably been a hot minute, hasn't it?

Lucky for you (and your boo), I've compiled a list of date ideas that might just compete with your best. So now you have no excuse not to spice up your plans before summer ends.

Here are 11 date ideas, all tested and approved by college girls, that are guaranteed to make your girl swoon. And girls, don't be afraid to send this article to your boy if he needs a hint.

1. Carnivals and county fairs, anyone?

"We went to the carnival I grew up going to as a kid. We went on all the rides, ate super yummy food, and took a nap on the lawn. The only thing I would change is that he didn't win me any giant stuffed animals!"

2. Spontaneity is key

"We knew we wanted to go somewhere but we didn't know where. We drove to the beach, walked in the sand for awhile, spontaneously picked a Hawaiian restaurant for lunch, got ice cream, and went to the farmer's market. It was great because it was summery, outdoors, and completely spontaneous. The sunburns were totally worth it."

3. A night out on the town

"We had dinner and drinks and went sightseeing in Chicago. It was so successful because at this point in our relationship, we're so comfortable around each other that nothing is ever awkward. We're best friends. Those are the most fun dates—those where you can just be yourself and enjoy each other's company!"

4. Straight out of a fairytale

"My boyfriend surprised me with roses (three red roses for my love, best friend, and partner in crime, three yellow roses to remember happy times, three white roses for our peaceful relationship, two pink roses to tell you I love you). Then he took me out to dinner on the beach and we walked the boardwalk and got the best ice cream."

5. Don't overthink it

"The best dates are always the simple ones where you just spend time together. It doesn't need to be the most romantic. My two best dates were just going shopping together and spending time at an amusement park. Just being with one another and doing something that we enjoy made for the best day."

6. Shh.. It's a secret

"He wouldn't tell me what we were doing at all. Kept it an entire secret. He took time to ask my mom for my favorite flower so he could give me some when he picked me up. He took me to the local park where we had a picnic and he had packed my FAVORITE sandwich. We went to the zoo, and later, he drove me to the top of a local mountain and we watched the sunset over the town. As the sun was setting, he told me he loved me for the first time. I remember thinking it wasn't what he planned out, but the fact that he put so much time, energy, and effort into planning it out that really amazed me."

7. Small, thoughtful gestures = BIG rewards

"He took me to Longwood Gardens because he knows I love flowers, and then he took me into this secluded field of sunflowers and told me about how he feels about me. He asked me to be his girlfriend."

8. Classics never hurt anyone!

"He surprised me by taking me to watch the Fourth of July fireworks on the lake and packed a picnic. It was simple but very sweet, and the fact that he planned it all by himself was super impressive."

9. Paying attention goes a loooong way

"My boyfriend and I went on a dinner boat that took us around a local inlet. While waiting to get on the boat we walked around local shops and I pointed out an earring and necklace set that I fell in love with. I didn't have enough money to buy it so I put it back and walked to another part of the store. Little did I know that while I wasn't paying attention he bought the jewelry for me! After dinner on the boat, we watched the sunset and then he reached in his pocket and pulled out a jewelry box! I had no idea he had done that, it was so sweet and romantic."

10. What's summer without a swim?

"I have been with my boyfriend for close to four years, and some of our best dates are just swimming in his pool. They're chill and free and low key. It's nice to share intimacy by swimming near one another in addition to exercising while having fun!"

11. Mother Nature's always got the hook up

"My first date with my current boyfriend was my absolute favorite. He told me right off the bat he wasn't a 'dinner and movie' kind of guy, so for our first official date, he picked me up in his truck and drove us out to the middle of the Pisgah National Forest at night. We set up blankets and star watched all night. We've been dating for three years!"

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