Women's Marches in America are an Embarrassment
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Women's Marches in America are an Embarrassment

Let us become educated on injustices to women globally!

Women's Marches in America are an Embarrassment

There are so many reasons that Women's marches are an embarrassment to America. As a society, we need a reality check when it comes to women's rights. Women in foreign countries are often beaten, raped, mutilated, and killed for far less significant things than "their rights". America is the land of opportunity and for anyone (man or woman) opportunities come from hard work and dedication. As a woman, I feel that I have equal opportunity as any man to succeed. Here are a few reasons why Women's Marches are an embarrassment to America.

1. While we are protesting paying taxes on tampons, girls in third world countries do not have access to feminine products at all.

While Americans spend an estimated $20 a year in taxes on tampons, girls in Uganda, Nepal, Sierra Leone, Afghanistan, and many other countries often miss one week of school every month because of no access to feminine products. In Nepal, for example, 3 out of 10 girls miss school every month due to their periods and lack of feminine products. How selfish are we in America to complain about $20 annually extra in luxury taxes when impoverished women around the world don't even have $20 to spend on feminine products?

2. While we are fighting for the rights to kill our unborn babies, women throughout the world are having their children kidnapped from them, and sold as sex slaves in the sex trafficking industry.

While American women are fighting for their right to have abortions, mothers throughout Thailand, China, Sri Lanka, India and many other countries, search desperately for their children who were kidnapped by criminals for the purpose of sex trafficking and forced labor. These mothers have many sleepless nights of praying and hoping that their child will be found, or that they will have the luxury of seeing them again. While we fight for our rights to kill our unborn, women in other countries have their children ripped away from them in the middle of the night and will often never see them again.

3. While we are marching and screaming obscene words at men, women in other countries are having their tongues cut out for talking in the presence of a man.

While we scream at men because of their gender, women throughout the world are punished and killed every day for speaking in the presence of a man. While we use our freedom of speech to scream repulsive and rude things to men because of their gender, women in other countries try tirelessly to "be seen and not heard" and to fly under the radar enough to avoid beatings and punishment.

4. While women in America protest for equal pay and opportunities, women throughout the world are forced to be "domestic servants" and work in the home 24 hours a day.

As women in America sit in their comfortable office chairs, at their nice desk, in their air conditioned office building, women in other parts of the world are working on their hands and knees scrubbing the floors for less than $300 a month. Next time you complain that you did not get a pay raise, think of the women in other countries working 24 hours a day, raising someone else's child, and tending to all of the affairs of the house being a maid. These women do not have a 9 to 5 job. They often spend more time with their employer's children and family then they do their own, all to selflessly send all of their monthly earnings back to their starving family.

Let us truly educate ourselves on the injustices happening to women all over the world! Our first world problems here in America that women are now protesting are very insignificant when compared to the injustices happening to women around the world. Let us as women stand together to end genital mutilation, lack of feminine supplies, rape, and many other significant issues. As women, let us march for larger issues and women's rights globally instead of focusing on our petty problems here in America.

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