Going into high school, I was lost. I had been previously bullied and terrified to make new friends. All my friends from elementary school and middle school were going to different high schools, and I knew no one in my whole high school. This was scary for a 14-year-old girl. But then I got a flyer in the mail for cheer tryouts, and my life was never the same.
I walked into tryouts and did not know one person. I didn't even know if I was in the right place. The older girls seemed to have a bond, a bond that I did not understand but I wanted to be part of it. I was the most awkward girl there, but I still made the squad. I was so nervous but excited to start this journey as a high school cheerleader. My coach gave me my first pair of pom poms. With these pom poms, I felt like I could conquer the world.
When you give a girl a pair of pom poms, she is able to find confidence in her own body.
When you give a girl a pair of pom poms, she is able to get up and perform in front of crowds.
When you give a girl a pair of pom poms, she is able to shine.
When you give a girl a pair of pom poms, she is able to talk to people without fear of being judged.
When you give a girl a pair of pom poms, she learns about the hard work of performing and working with a team.
When you give a girl a pair of pom poms, she is not afraid to be my own bubbly, loud, excited self.
When you give a girl a pair of pom poms, she grows a bond with many other girls through the years.
When you give a girl a pair of pom poms, she is a leader.
When you give a girl a pair of pom poms, she is able to make some of the closest friends. (and after high school was over, these friends were still there for her.)
When you give this girl a pair of pom poms, she is able to be herself.
Within the first year, I found myself. I looked up to the older girls as a guide, because they already knew who they were. The older girls were so confident in themselves, something I wanted so bad. These girls cheered together, laughed together, and cried together. I grew to understand that bond that is similar to sisterhood and became a part of it. I was able to become the girl I always wanted to be rather than the awkward, quiet freshman girl who was afraid of being judged.
I am forever grateful for my 4 years of high school cheerleading. Cheering gave me some of the best memories in high school (because let's face it, high school does suck). Cheerleading made me the woman I am today. I am confident, outgoing, and happy because of my time with my pom poms. Thank you, for giving this girl a pair of pom poms.
Make sure you pass on your pair of pom poms! There will be another freshman girl just like me.