What You Need To Know About Donald Trump
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What You Need To Know About Donald Trump

All of the following statements are direct quotes and backed up by facts.

What You Need To Know About Donald Trump

All of the following views are direct quotes from Donald Trump's social media posts, website, or speeches.

You can find all of his views on his website here: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/policies/immigration/

Here's a couple other Trump articles if you're interested in looking at them after reading about Trump's views and policies: https://www.theodysseyonline.com/trump-the-man-for...

1. Immigration

"Restore integrity to our immigration system by prioritizing the interests of Americans first. Enforce our immigration laws – at the border and at the workplace. Build a border wall and end sanctuary cities. Send criminal aliens home. Welcome those who embrace our way of life, but keep out immigrants and refugees who don’t through rigorous vetting."

2. Abortion

"The primary responsibility of the federal government is to protect the rights of its citizens. Life is the most fundamental right. The federal government should not diminish this right by denying its’ protection. I am opposed to abortion except for rape, incest and life of the mother. I oppose the use of government funds to pay for abortions."

3. The Second Amendment and The Constitution (Guns)

"Unwavering support of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Get serious about prosecuting violent criminals. Get gang members and drug dealers off the street to make our cities and communities safer. Empower law-abiding gun owners to defend themselves. Expand mental health programs keep the violent mentally ill off of our streets."

4. Childcare

"Rewriting the tax code to allow working parents to deduct from their income taxes child care expenses for up to four children and elderly dependents. Allow parents to enroll in tax-free dependent care savings accounts for their children or elderly relatives. Provide low-income households an Expanded Earned Income Tax Credit – in the form a Childcare rebate – and a matching $500 contribution for their savings accounts. Creating a new, dynamic market for family-based and community-based solutions. Incentivizing employers to provide childcare at the workplace. Provide 6 weeks of paid leave to new mothers before returning to work."

5. Foreign Policy

"Foreign policy will be singularly focused on Making America Safe Again by destroying radical Islamic terrorist groups. End the nuclear deal with Iran and the ransom payments to the world’s number one state sponsor of terrorism. America will stand with its allies and end the Obama-Clinton practice of apologizing to our enemies."

6. Taxes

"Cut business rate to 15 percent. Reduce individual rates to three brackets of 12, 25, and 33 percent, with a 0 percent rate for many. Add above-the-line deduction for childcare costs, including for stay-at-home parents."

"Reduce taxes across-the-board, especially for working and middle-income Americans who will receive a massive tax reduction. Ensure the rich will pay their fair share, but no one will pay so much that it destroys jobs or undermines our ability to compete. Eliminate special interest loopholes, make our business tax rate more competitive to keep jobs in America, create new opportunities and revitalize our economy. Reduce the cost of childcare by allowing families to fully deduct the average cost of childcare from their taxes, including stay-at-home parents."

7. Health Care

"Every American deserves access to high quality, affordable health care, not just insurance. Obamacare has failed on cost and quality of health care. It must be repealed. America needs a patient-centered health care system, allowing families and their doctors to be primary decision makers. Provide for the sale of health insurance across state lines."

8. Economy (Jobs)

"Reform the tax code and trade policies to make it easier to hire, invest, build, grow, produce, and manufacture in America. Stop China from stealing our jobs, renegotiate NAFTA, cut unneeded regulations and make America the best place in the world to do business. Putting America First—and not globalism—will keep jobs and wealth in America."

9. Civil Liberties and National Security

"When it comes to the balancing security and privacy, we should err on the side of security. We should restore Patriot Act provisions enabling metadata collection for anti-terror surveillance with court controlled access, scrutinize social media of those seeking to enter the US, and limit the ability of ISIS to use the internet to spread terrorism."

"There are serious threats facing the United States, and American strength is the only way to ensure peace. We must rebuild our military, reform our intelligence agencies, and prepare our government for the security challenges of cyberspace."

10. Crime and Safety

"Crime and violence is an attack on everyone—particularly the poor—and is unacceptable. We will have strong, swift fair law and order. Progress against criminal activity is being reversed by this administration's rollback and discouragement of criminal enforcement. We must work with law enforcement and first responders to keep our communities safe."

“Our inner cities have been left totally behind, and I am going to fight to make sure every citizen in this country has a safe home, a safe school and a safe community,” Trump argued."

11. Environment and Energy

"Everyone deserves clean air and safe drinking water regardless of race or income. Water infrastructure will be a big priority. We need to work to protect natural areas, but in a balanced way. End Obama EPA mandates that cost too many jobs, are opposed by most states, and too often have negligible benefit for the environment."

"We will use our vast coal, shale gas, and other American energy sources in a clean and appropriate manner to benefit American families and workers, not for the economic benefit of the politically-connected. Support coal jobs, safe fracking, energy from offshore and public lands and the Keystone Pipeline, which can be done responsibly."

"Make America energy independent, create millions of new jobs, and protect clean air and clean water. We will conserve our natural habitats, reserves and resources. We will unleash an energy revolution that will bring vast new wealth to our country."

"Encourage the use of natural gas and other American energy resources that will both reduce emissions but also reduce the price of energy and increase our economic output."

12. Education

"Every child in America deserves a great education and an opportunity to achieve their dreams. We will enhance education options for students through school choice and charters, and respect homeschoolers in their quest for educational alternatives. We will also make it easier for families to afford college so students aren’t buried in debt."

13. Social Security and Medicare

"“We're gonna save your Social Security without making any cuts. Mark my words."

"Preserve Medicare for future generations. No changes to promised Social Security benefits."

14. Veterans

"Ensure that every Veteran gets timely access to top-quality care through the VA or private Medicare providers if the VA cannot provide timely access. Fix VA corruption and help Veterans find good paying jobs. Veterans should come first in the country they fought to protect, and under a Trump Administration they will."

"Support the whole veteran, not just their physical health care, but also by addressing their invisible wounds, investing in our service members' post-active duty success, transforming the VA to meet the needs of 21st century service members, and better meeting the needs of our female veterans."

"During my entire business career, I have always made supporting Veterans a top priority because our heroes deserve the very best for defending our freedom."

15. Russia

"Americans voting for a president on Nov. 8 must realise that they are voting for peace on Planet Earth if they vote for Trump. But if they vote for Hillary it's war. It will be a short movie. There will be Hiroshimas and Nagasakis everywhere." -Vladimir Zhirinovsky

read more: http://www.haaretz.com/world-news/europe/1.747229

"With diplomatic relations between Moscow and Washington at their lowest point since the Cold War, turning on Russian television can be an alarming experience. For the past month, Russian media outlets have been punctuated with reports asking people whether they are ready for nuclear war." -ABC News

read more: http://abcnews.go.com/International/russian-televi...

16. Allegations

There have been many women who have come forward with allegations of sexual assault from Donald Trump. These women are saying the incidents occurred as long ago as 1980. My question is why wait until a few weeks before the presidential election, 30 years or more later, to come forward? Many of these allegations have come out at very convenient times for Hillary Clinton and her campaign. The media has been focusing on these accusations and leaving out facts and accusations that would paint the Clinton Administration in a bad light.
Many of the women have either recanted their statements or have been proven false. Trump has a long history of empowering women and minorities in his companies.

You can read more about these allegations and Trump's reactions here: http://www.npr.org/2016/10/13/497799354/a-list-of-...

You can read about his wife's reaction to a People Magazine article that was full of false information here: http://www.politico.com/blogs/on-media/2016/10/mel...

Here is an article about the statements from the cousin of one of Trump's accusers: http://people.com/politics/trump-campaign-puts-for...

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