What To Remember If You Love Someone With ADHD
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What To Remember If You Love Someone With ADHD

To those that love us, please embrace our unorthodox ways of going about life.

What To Remember If You Love Someone With ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is defined as a brain disorder that causes a cycle of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development. Please be mindful that those who identify with this condition do not choose to be like this. This is a permanent mental condition that travels with them from childhood to adulthood. Those who develop ADHD are impaired by mild to severe life altercations that range far beyond a simple definition of having lack of attentiveness. As mental health is a highly controversial subject these days, I would like to bring awareness to a few things that myself and others fighting this battle might understand.

1. Misplacing things that you literally had two seconds ago

*Insert mini panic attack when you can't find something* That's it, someone definitely touched it. And probably stole it. PHEW, false alarm, it was in your back pocket the whole time.

2. Being nosy and always scoping out the scene

We can't help it. You're interesting. People watching is what we do. We are just very curious people and are hyper sensitive to commotion in our surroundings.

3. Having the tendency to impulsively commit to so many activities

Go to brunch, go to a pumpkin patch, go to a party, clean a room, outline five chapters, AND workout?! We tend to be the first people signing up for lots of plans and things that sound good in the moment, but sometimes spread ourselves too thin. Please don't hate us for that, we mean well.

4. Walking into a room and forgetting why you’re there

We promise we came here to find something or spread the news about something important. We just need a few extra seconds to process our short term memory from all the anxiety that we have from being putting ourselves on this mission.

5. Always On the Move

Waiting for text messages or waiting for the laundry to dry...we can't sit in one place for too long. We like to jump around and get the blood pumping.

6. When people joke that they have ADHD because they can't focus

It is so much more than that. Please be mindful of what you say out-loud. ADHD is a brain altering condition that deeply impacts the thoughts and behaviors of those who suffer from it. This is an attack placed on our mind for a battle we will never win. We just learn to cope with it.

7. When people assume they can use your ADHD pills to their advantage

No, you cannot buy my pills off of me. No, I don't care that it is finals week. No, just no. You’re just adding to the problem.

8. There is no “off” switch in our minds

It is both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so very deeply. We cannot stop thinking about something when it bothers us, almost to a point where it will consume our entire day.

9. Losing interest in things

ADHD people tend to focus and be obsessed with things almost to the point where they overdo it. Outgrowing past hobbies and former ideas are a common thread to our life. We are just very open to change and appreciate being constantly entertained.

10. Doin school work takes us double the time

Medicated or not medicated, it is easy to get distracted. We promise we’ll get the job done and do it right. But it might take some high-key inspiration.

11.Telling us to calm down is a BIG no

What can I say? We sometimes make things out to be a BIG DEAL. We're not trying to overwhelm you with our energy, we just can't contain our excitement.

12. Not everyone who has ADHD always appears “hyper”

ADHD kids are the masters of tuning out spoken directions. We don't mean to come off this way. We just literally are so focussed in our thoughts, we don't even realize we might be staring aimlessly out the window.

13. People with ADHD don’t have trouble paying attention

Instead, they have trouble on paying attention to the RIGHT things. Learning what not to "feed into" (sometimes via social media) and having proper time management are challenging goals to people who suffer from this condition.

14. ADHD does not mean that we are dumb

We have a different way of doing things, but that doesn't make us incapable of getting to the final destination. Being a smart person can help curve one's ADHD, but having ADHD has nothing to do with one's level of intelligence. There are so many famous people, well respected, highly educated individuals in the world who have ADHD and still succeed at what they do. To those that love us, please embrace our unorthodox ways of going about life.

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