I’ve been in your shoes, and I know what it’s like to see someone you were once so happy with, be happy with someone else. You go through a range of emotions. You hate that person because it was supposed to be you. Then you feel grateful because you're finally ready moved on. At the end of the day, you’re thinking about that person regardless, and even if you don’t want it to, it hurts.
You can tell yourself you don’t care, but I’m sure you’re still scrolling through pictures wondering if my happiest times with him even compared to the memories we made together.
I need you to hear me this time, loud and clear. Please, let me go.
The random likes on my pictures, or texting me out of nowhere and asking to see me... You aren’t making me miss what we had, you’re making it harder for us both to get on with our lives. You’re interfering in my relationship, and I’d like to think that if you really loved me, you would push aside the pain you felt losing me so I can be happy.
As selfish as it sounds, I'm making this decision for me. I want to be happy, too. Who I’m with right now makes me happy, and seeing your name, having to look back at old pictures of us, and even hearing your voice, only hurts me because it makes me feel like you’re still suffering. No matter what happens in my future, I know that us being together won’t ever result in the happiness I feel currently, and if that’s not enough for you to call it quits and move on, I really don’t know what is.
I remember seeing the man I loved with someone else after we split, and it ate at me every day. I felt physically sick, and I even wondered if I did something like change my hair, would he notice? I wanted to change everything about me in hopes that I would be a little more like her, and maybe the few amazing memories that stuck with me would be enough for him to change his mind.
But do you want to know what the kicker is?
I never reached out to him. I saw he was doing well.
He was successful in his job, his family was great and healthy, he was meeting so many new people, and from the few social media posts I did see, I could tell he was undoubtedly happy.
How could I take that away from a guy I once loved so much? How could I even try to interfere with a relationship he was working so hard to build? Regardless of how much I missed him, I would have put his happiness above my own no matter what obstacle I faced within my own mind.
I know it’s not easy. Trust me, you’re preaching to the choir. I know it feels like someone is taking the breath out of you every time you think back to a happy time you won’t ever relive, but you’ll only be making it worse if you continually hold onto something that’s no longer yours to hold onto.
I’m not saying it doesn’t take every bit of strength you have, and I’m not saying that it won’t be a long road ahead of you. I'm saying that soon enough, you’ll realize that you being unhappy without me was something you created in your own head, a problem that you have to face. Holding onto me is only making it harder for the both of us.
So to the ex who sees I’m happy with someone else,
Please let me go, because I am truly, finally, happy.