Earlier this week on my Facebook, I shared a post that simply stated, "Don't tell me 'gender isn't a factor' when Hillary Clinton is more despised for being cheated on than Donald Trump is despised for cheating." I shared this on my own personal Facebook, with those I am friends with, many of whom share similar views and if they do not, at least are understanding of my views. 3 hours later I received a notification from Facebook, notifying me that someone had commented on my post. I didn't know him and I hadn't even heard of him.
What I did know about this man, after reading the first sentence of his comment was that he was definitely a conservative and definitely pro-Trump. I don't have anything against conservatives, though I will admit that I'm more than a little bummed about their choice for the Republican candidate this year. What I do have a problem with is people who attack me because of my beliefs. Believe it or not, the original reason for immigration to this country (and yes, I'm talking about all of the glorified white people who think they have some God-given right to be here versus any other person) was because people wanted freedom, freedom to believe what they wanted. Yet here we are over 200 years later, and people are still being attacked for what they believe.
This man told me that I was uneducated and ignorant, while he couldn't tell the difference between "you're" and "your."
So what I learned, or at least had reinforced in my head by this man is simple: typically those who attack others for their beliefs are uneducated and simple-minded. It is the typical "bully" complex. They attack you because they are insecure about themselves.
So thank you for reminding me that I am most definitely educated and no, I am not ignorant for not sharing the same views as you. Thank you for reminding me that people like myself will perhaps one day help repair the country that you have torn to pieces. Do not tell me that the country is falling apart because of us "ignorant liberals" because this country was crumbling far before anyone paid any mind to liberal views. Because you have destroyed something, it does not mean than anyone hoping to fix it is ignorant.
Finally, I hope you feel better now that you, a nearly 50-year-old man, attacked an 18-year-old who is also a complete stranger. You've perfectly displayed your insecurities, your immaturity and your lack of respect for other human beings...so congratulations.