Things Every College Girl Should Be Doing
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Things Every College Girl Should Be Doing

Small life hacks, big results.

Things Every College Girl Should Be Doing

College is that exciting time in life when you discover who you are, who you want to be, and where you want to go. But, your college years can also come with a lot of pressure to become a someone. Make a name for yourself and create a life that is better than your parents. But it's hard to do that in your late teens and early twenties. How do you go about being "successful?" How do you adult properly, when let's face it, none of us make our own appointments, and if we're not dying there's no reason to see a doctor all the time. But, it is possible to organize your life and get a plan together to kick ass.

1. Don't knock the idea of a vision board or bullet journal until you've tried one.

Whether you're a visual person or better off writing things out organization is key to setting up goals and achieving them. The key to is to figure out what your dreams are and put them somewhere other than your head. That's always step one. You're always more likely to set out and accomplish something when you can see it. Part two is to not get in over your head with goals. Also, don't make goals you know you'll never reach (trust me you know when they're too big). Start with small goals that can easily become habits.

For example, let's say you love the idea of getting in shape. I mean with the Olympics around, who wouldn't be inspired, but the gym intimidates you a little. Make a small goal to go to the gym at minimum three times a week, and on those three times a week you will walk on the treadmill for at least twenty minutes. Writing this down gives you the satisfaction of crossing it off each and every day knowing that you did it. And guess what, you accomplished your goal too! If you have a vision board, do not put up a picture of your dream body! It can be harmful and you can get caught up in Thinspo in an unhealthy way. Instead put a beautiful picture of you now and remember to update it every three weeks.

2. Go out there and get a job, girl!

OK, so it doesn't have to be an all-out "I work full time and go to school" type of gig. You have to do whatever is comfortable with you, but so many employer are requiring more and more experience these days and a degree with no resume is a big, "We're looking for someone with at least two years experience right in your face."

So stop and think about it for a second. What is something that you like to do right now that you could get paid for or you can get college credit for through an internship?

If you really love animals why don't you try going to all the veterinarian offices close to you and ask if they'd be willing to take on an intern. Love crafting and drawing? Go to your local craft store and try and work there on some days. Or go to museums and see if they'd be willing to take on a Jr. Curator (you'll get to handle to some cool artwork).

Whatever it is that you do, even if you hate it remember that it is a learning lesson and that you never know what kind of experience will be interesting to a future employer. Oh and that extra cash in your pocket, treat yo' self, girl!

3. Update that wardrobe, stat!

Yes, ladies this is an excuse to shop.

But before we get carried away and buy every part of jean cutoffs, crop top and new Adidas sneaker we find, let's remember, that this is no longer high school. In college, a typical day may involve classes in the morning, a job on campus, a club meeting and a meeting with a professor to argue about that last test grade. You're not going to have time to change for every event. The key is to make your wardrobe one size fits all.

What I mean by that is that you can go anywhere with what you're wearing and not feel like you're over or underdressed. Instead of going for those flashy shirts, maybe try some buttoned blouses or another pant material other than jeans. There's nothing wrong with making your wardrobe more mature its just another step in the adulting process.

4. Take advantage of your social media skills.

Social media is something that is unique to millennials and it's something that every girl should take advantage of. Beyond accumulating followers and becoming Insta famous, there is something to be said about the contacts that might be hiding in your follower-ship. You never know who that friend of a friend that followed you one night when everyone met up might know. Or you might never know who they're working for and they might know of a sweet position that's opening up soon. All I'm saying is when you get a hint that two things might be linked go ahead and put two and two together because you will always get four.

5. Never forget that you are always a #girlboss and no one can make you ever feel like less.

The founder and now CEO of NastyGal also created the now widely used #girlboss. It means that you're a girl and you can kick some serious behind doing whatever you want to do when you set your mind to it. She went from homeless, to selling small things she'd make on eBay, to owner of a fashion empire.

Each and every girl is a boss in their own way -- she just needs the encouragement, motivation, patience and determination to see it in her own life.

Full disclosure, I am writing this article and taking it with a grain of salt because it is advice that I need to follow myself. It is important to always balance your life and that is the hardest part when you set goals for yourself. You get scared that and deviation from the path will end in just another lost goal, but in reality you need those off days. Those days when you don't feel like moving from the couch and eat everything in sight? Those are progress days too, and I'm still learning that.

As always, if you like my really bad humor, my horribly flimsy advice and my self deprecation, stick around -- there's lots more where that came from!

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