Donald Trump Has Gone Too Far This Time
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Donald Trump Has Gone Too Far This Time

After Donald Trump belittled the pain and sacrifice of a Muslim American family who lost their son in service of our nation, he finally crossed the line for me.

Donald Trump Has Gone Too Far This Time
The Intercept

Look, it's no secret that I am not a big fan of Donald Trump. The reasons why are too numerous to put to page, and it's probably already on this website somewhere anyway. Even before he decided to run for president, Donald Trump got under my skin. I've always found him callous, rude, unrealistic and buffoonish. But he's finally crossed, at least to me, a point of no return.

In an ABC interview with George Stephanopoulos which aired Sunday, July 31, Donald Trump criticized the family of Capt. Humayun Khan, a Muslim American soldier who was killed in Iraq in 2004. Khizr and Ghazala Khan, Humayun's parents, appeared at the Democratic National Convention and spoke out against Trump's remarks deriding Muslim Americans. Trump, who has proposed banning entry of Muslims into the nation, wishes to close some mosques and place others under unconstitutional government surveillance, and has not ruled out having a national registry of Muslims on American soil, fired back at the Khan family. He first suggested that Mrs. Khan, as a Muslim woman, was not permitted to speak by her husband. Then, responding to Mr. Khan's rebuke, "You have sacrificed nothing and no one," Trump replied that he has "made a lot of sacrifices... I've created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures."

That right there is where he crossed the line for me.

Donald Trump, if you had a heart, you'd be ashamed. You actually just said that because you built a few sleazy casinos and slapped your name on some ties, steaks, and a phony university, you had made an equitable sacrifice to a family who lost their son in the service of this nation? You are disgusting. Now, I have no doubt your response to all this would be, "Yeah, but he started it!" Did he though? With all of your rhetoric against certain demographics within this country, you'll find that you're going to anger some people you'll wish you hadn't. You're a public figure open to critique, and you're getting some of what you dished out— you just happen to be getting some of it from someone our nation has deep respect for.

The Khans are part of a group that comprise our nation's most revered people, the Gold Star families. A Gold Star family is one who had a loved one be killed in action while serving our country. Every American soldier who has laid down their life died to defend this nation and our way of life. When we as a nation render respect to Gold Star parents like Mr. and Mrs. Khan, we do so knowing that they gave a piece of their very soul for this country. To this day, Mrs. Khan cannot even look at a picture of her son; as she said, Mr. Trump, that is why she seemed so quiet to you the night she was at the DNC.

Mr. Trump, how can you wish to be a leader of this proud nation, and yet belittle the pain suffered by those whose loved ones fell for that nation? How can you simultaneously pursue being Commander-in-Chief while you insult the more than 5,000 Muslim soldiers who wear our country's uniform? I do truly wonder, as Mr. Khan asked, if you have actually read the Constitution. Do you know what this nation stands for? Do you understand that American citizens have a right to equal representation before the law, regardless of religion, race, nationality, or creed?

Lastly, Mr. Trump, I pray you never feel the real sacrifice that the Khans—and so many other American families—have felt. I pray that no one feels that sort of pain. That said, never belittle their pain again, especially just because of their religion. Enough of your callous comments, Mr. Trump. If you want to be the leader of the land of the free, act like it.

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