It's Never Too Late To Learn An Instrument
I love music with a passion but after learning to play an instrument, it made me appreciate music so much more.
Prior to coming to UCLA, I was set on wanting to minor in the music industry after doing my research on the program. Although I wish that this program would become a major, I was happy I could study something I am interested in and passionate about even with no prior musical background.
I mean, I may have done choir in high school and attempted to learn to play the ukulele but I never spent hours on hours wanting to really learn an instrument.
This current quarter I am taking a course under the music industry program called "Rock/Pop Studio Ensemble". For the music industry program, that outside of the school of music must take a performance-based class to have a better understanding of the most important aspect of the industry, the actual music performance.
I was very intimidated to take this course since in the span of 10 weeks I have to learn to play 5 instruments: the drums, the guitar, the bass, the piano, and voice.
I've almost halfway into the quarter and all I can say that I am very happy to be taking this course. For someone who never really touched an instrument for the past 21 years, I can tell you first hand that it isn't too late to dabble into learning to play.
Even though I know I am not too good at playing a few of those instruments, it is great to learn how to play and it gives me so much more of an appreciation to those who do play.
I am a big concert junkie and now that I get to learn to play the instruments and play a few chords over and over to reproduce the songs we are learning, it makes me greatly respect the artists I go see live and all the hard work they definitely put in for their live performances for their audiences.
In these last 4 weeks, I discovered that I really love playing bass guitar and that even after the course ends, I want to continue to play this extremely fun instrument.
It took me years to finally come out of my comfort zone when it came to playing musical instruments because I felt like the older I got, the harder it would be for me to grasp on playing a nice sound.
I do wish I had learned to play an instrument at a much younger age but it is NEVER too late to start that journey.