21 Romance Novels You'll Fall In Love With By The Fire
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21 Romance Novels You'll Fall In Love With By The Fire

It's time to cozy up and fantasize about our fav fictional love stories.

21 Romance Novels You'll Fall In Love With By The Fire

Recently, I found myself reading a bunch of romance novels and it's truly unleashing the romantic side of me. With fall weather nearing, it's the perfect time to cozy up with a good book and ignite the romantic flame in your hearts with the turn of every page.

Here are 21 romantic books you should read this fall, some I've read (hence the reviews), and some I'm hoping to get my hands on.

“Married Lovers” by Jackie Collins

Jackie Collins is known to be the "First Lady" of exotic sex as displayed in many of her novels which have successfully been portrayed in films. She truly takes love to a whole new level filled with breath-taking twists and turns in the lives of each of her characters. "Married Lovers" is a fabulous story about 3 high-profile Hollywood couples and how they all struggle with preserving the sanctity of their marriage while battling their inner desires of lust and passion. In addition, there's a suspenseful murder mystery build in alongside the juicy romance and hot affairs to keep you enticed. If you want to catch a glimpse of Hollywood romance, then "Married Lovers" will definitely fulfill your desire!

“Mixed Blessings” by Danielle Steel

"Mixed Blessings" was my favorite classic that I revisited during the pandemic. An awe-inspiring story of 3 couples who each struggle with their desire of becoming parents. One woman experiences the pain of infertility which unknowingly strains her relationship with her husband. Another woman, a prominent attorney ties the knot at the age of 42 to a man, a Judge who is a widower with two teenagers. They struggle to have a child of their own and the trials and tribulations strengthen their bond even more. The third couple is stuck in a relationship where one of them is strictly against the thought of having kids. Ultimately, "Mixed Blessings" is a gentle reminder to all of us that the right things will always happen at the right time and there is absolutely no need to rush things.

“The Last Song” by Nicholas Sparks

"The Last Song" is a beautifully woven story that highlights platonic love between parents and their children along with romantic, sexually driven love between two lovers. I have read the novel along with watching the film and I must say the film has justified the novel magnificently. If you are searching for a novel that will tug your heartstrings, then this is the perfect read for you!

“50 Shades of Grey” by E.L. James

When you are in the mood to experiment with love at its finest in its most passionate and sensuous form, then the "50 Shades of Grey" trilogy is your best bet! This is intended for a mature audience and may include sexual content unfamiliar to you, but the adventure is well worth it. I found myself delving into the nuances of the dynamic characters of Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele, while also intricately observing their evolution as a couple.

“The Fault in Our Stars” by John Green

This is a poignant and emotional novel that has left me in tears, and even watching the film adaptations of it has stirred an overflowing amount of emotions within me. Perhaps, this novel and film are best relished with your S.O. rather than solo. Both characters are cancer patients who meet at a Cancer Patient Support Group, and from there, their instant connection and soul-stirring romance start to unravel. "The Fault in Our Stars" is a revelation of undying commitment and unfaltering love. On top of that, it pays a beautiful homage to the wedding vow a husband makes to his wife which is to continue supporting each other "in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part."

“Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen

"Pride and Prejudice" is a timeless classic which always gets better with time. It delves into a plethora of societal aspects pertaining to marriage, social status, and the family fortune. Jane Austen explains the complexities tied with the bond of arranged marriages in the early 19th century and further pinpoints ideological and societal clashes between two individuals alongside their families. This evergreen tale will always make you experience the wonders and thrills of marriage and what the journey is all about.

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