Christmas season is coming soon and for college students, it's a very stressful time of the year. We have to deal with not only buying our families presents, but sometimes also juggling a second job on top of the classes we're already taking. Don't let the holiday stress you out! With these helpful tips, you will be ready for ANYTHING that comes your way! This listicle was created with the help of a page out of a DBT handbook by Marsha M. Linehan (Founder of DBT- Thank you for this list Marsha! We love you!)
1) Cooking
Cooking is one of my favorite stress-free activities. When i'm having a particularly bad day, I either bake or I make some form of food. For me, cooking is about those few minuets of relaxation I get during my busy day (and it will only get worse during the holiday season). I use "The Food Channel" as my guide to cooking ,but you can use any other website with an interesting recipe.
2) Doodling
Adult coloring books are a new form of stress reducers for adults. Coloring is not just for kids anymore. You can read more about how adult coloring books are changing the psychology industry here -->
The thing about doodling, however, is you can do this practically anywhere. Stuck in a long work meeting? Doodle. Stuck in a boring class for hours? Doodle. Its proven a healthy habit, and perfectly normal.
3) Buying Books 
This is probably a personal favorite activity of mine. If I really feel the need to relieve stress I will go to the used bookstore and purchase a book. Used book stores are fantastic because for a few dollars, you can have a shiny new book and you can be doing something to ease your mind.
4) Praying 
If you believe in religion, I think religion is a great thing to turn to for guidance when you are stressed out. You can use prayer to help calm your nerves, confession, or even support groups in local churches for things like stress. If you believe in a higher power, it's easy to turn to your lord in time of need.
5) Arts and Crafts
Remember babysitting when younger and bringing the kids some arts and crafts projects to keep them occupied? Much like the little child doing arts and crafts, you can as well. I know I posted an article about anxiety before and there are glitter jars you can make that are supposed to help anxiety. Here is a video that explains this art project-
Here is a link on how to do this project-
6) Playing video games
Video games have always been my solution for everything because in every group of people your going to find the ones that play video games. The one danger with video games though is that they can have violence in them, so sometimes this can lead to someone getting anxious or stressed over it (especially over losing). You can play video games, but I would please urge you to use caution when doing so! Video games otherwise, can be very therapeutic for some people.
7) Doing community service
I have many fond memories of growing up and going out to do community service. For the holy minded, community service activities are working for the higher power we believe. It only takes a smile and two hands to help someone in need. There are several volunteer groups you can find on meet up apps that can help you find some local community service projects. I used to, for example, help out at the mens homeless shelter and also at The Ronald McDonald House. If you feel motivated enough start your own community service meet up group.
8) Working on the car
My dad always loves working on his darn bike. My dad just worships that thing and takes very tender care of it. For those who love cars, car care can be very calming for you. Take out a bucket and a sponge and wash it. Need new tires? Get them. Need your car looked at, get the examination.
9) Going on a date 
I, personally, love the thrill of dating. There is nothing like being able to find someone to chat with and go on a date with them somewhere. Dating can be fun because it can take the focus off of highly stressful events going on. Sometimes, just getting out of the house helps. The absolute worst thing you can do for your body when you are stressed is shut yourself in your home. It's better to participate and half smile instead, because shutting yourself in your room is an example of self destructive behavior.
10) Playing Pokemon Go
Pokemon Go was a huge thing a few months ago. Sometimes going and playing with a group of people can really get your mind off stressful subjects. Go travel to some stops the next time you feel stressed.