No truer words will ever been said about Nebraska Football fans than in the song "Dear Old Nebraska U:" "We'll all stick together in all kinds of weather for dear old Nebraska U!". I am more than proud to call myself a Husker, and for many reasons. You hear us talk about our legacy during the legendary 90's era with Tom Osborne, and during the first championship titles in the early 70s. We get told we live in the past, but it is more like we take pride in our history. However, a quick history lesson is not enough. Being at a home game physically is a life changing experience, and here is why.
1. Memorial Stadium
One of the great pride and joys of Nebraska, the stadium houses the greatest fans in existence. A monument of greatness with inscriptions on the four corners of the stadium entrances: "Courage; Generosity; Fairness; Honor; In these are the true awards of manly sport." on the Northwest, "Their Lives they held their country's trust; They kept its faith; They died its heroes." on the Northeast. "In Commemoration of the men of Nebraska who served and fell in the Nation's Wars." on the Southeast side, and "Not the victory but the action; Not the goal but the game; In the deed the glory." on the Southwestern side of the stadium.
2. Tom Osborne
The man, the myth, the legend, Tom freaking Osborne! Numerous facts can be said about this man, but I just want to hit you with this little bit of knowledge. You know Nick Saban, the Alabama coach? Yeah, back when he was in Michigan State, September 5, 1995 to be exact, Tom Osborne and his feared Huskers gave Mr. Saban his worst defeat with a final score of 50-10.
3. Tunnel Walk
"Sirius" by the Alan Parsons Project has become the song that gets every Husker going. Being there in person will give you chills, especially right before when our legendary "Sea of Red" begins chanting "Husker Power."
4. Sellout Streak
347 games with 348 closing in on September 3? Yeah, that is a pretty impressive feat.
5. The Fans
Dubbed by multiple out of staters alike as, "the nicest fans I have ever come in contact with", Husker fans hold a high standard for respect. Win or lose, we keep our heads high with pride while have a little bit of fun.
6. Tradition
Nebraska holds so many traditions that I can only name a few like: The Tunnel Walk and Horseshoe, the Marching Band, Red Balloons, and the Unity Walk. You can take a gander at them in the link provided.
7. 11 Undefeated Seasons
Here's something I bet most do not know. We have 11 undefeated seasons, to be exact with five of them leading to National Championships: 1890, 1902, 1903, 1913, 1914, 1915, 1970, 1971, 1994, 1995, and 1997. I bet you do not believe me. Look it up.
8. Atmosphere
Once you enter Memorial Stadium, you get sucked in immediately. With fresh Runza and Valentinos, along with the occasional "Go Big Red!" being yelled, you feel like you have just made thousands of new friends.
9. Red Around the World
Yeah. We have fans all over this beautiful world. It is hard to believe, but read this article and be amazed.
10. Academic All Americans
Combining all athletes at Nebraska, the Huskers have the largest number of Academic All Americans with 320 student athletes. This is what helped punch our bowl tickets last season. They got the smarts.
11. Sea of Red
No better feeling than being a part of the legendary "Sea of Red." A sight to behold, you get caught up in it all with the fans becoming one until the sea parts and "Husker Power" builds into the "Sirius." I just got chills thinking about it.
Nebraska Football is more than just a program, it is a life changing experience. We take pride in our history, which is why we talk about the past so much with much optimism going into each season. Win or lose, we are faithful until death. This is Nebraska Football.