So, Mike Pence Is Apparently Trump’s VP Pick And I Want To Leave The Country
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So, Mike Pence Is Apparently Trump’s VP Pick And I Want To Leave The Country

America’s turning the clock back to the Dark Ages.

So, Mike Pence Is Apparently Trump’s VP Pick And I Want To Leave The Country

While it’s not completely set in stone yet, it looks like Indiana Governor Mike Pence is Donald Trump’s VP pick. Unfortunately, you heard me correctly. Apparently, Pence is dropping his re-election bid in Indiana to become Trump’s running mate. Cue the end of America.

Alright, so it’s pretty obvious that I’m not a fan. And you shouldn’t be either. Here’s why.

Starting with Pence…

Last year, Pence signed into law the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act, which basically allowed discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community. The act let businesses refuse to serve gay and lesbian customers because of the all-important “religious freedom.”

This isn’t the first time Pence has done something that’s anti-LGBTQ+, either. Let’s look at a quick recap of all the shit he’s done.

  1. In the 90s, he was a board member for the Indiana Family Institute, a conservative advocacy group that has long opposed gay rights.
  2. He opposed gay rights in Congress.
  3. He expressed disappointment when the Defense of Marriage Act was overturned.
  4. When same-sex marriage was legalized in Indiana, he sought to block it.
  5. He wanted to ban same-sex marriage in Indiana’s constitution.
  6. And he again expressed disappointment with the U.S. Supreme Court when it legalized same-sex marriage across the country.

The guy is not supportive of gay rights, at all. Oh, and he’s not supportive of women either.

This year, the idiot signed a giant, grotesque, insane anti-abortion bill. The law requires that women arrange and pay for a funeral or cremation for her aborted fetus. Yep, a cremation or funeral for a tiny amount of unassembled cells (in many cases). And, women also have to listen to the fetus’s heartbeat at least 18 hours before getting an abortion, which means that women have the additional cost of a waiting period on top of all the shit they already have to go through. In addition, the law prohibits women from aborting a fetus found to have a serious disability or deformation.

Needless to say, the bill prompted women to call Pence’s office and tell him about their periods — from their menstrual flow to cramps to birth control, tampon discomfort, bloating and menopause — since he’s so clearly interested in what’s going on with their vaginas.

Pence also once bizarrely won a public service award for leadership in the Hispanic community. He had no idea why he won it (nor did anybody else).

But anyway, on to Trump.

Trump is like that kid in class who never does his homework and when called upon by the teacher, tries to walk around the question by babbling incessant gibberish. He has no substantive policies, whatsoever. For healthcare, Trump said he plans to scrap Obamacare and replace it with “something terrific.” When asked to elaborate, he said, “It’ll be great.” Clear as mud, right?

Oh, and let’s not forget his racist plan to build this giant-ass wall along the U.S.-Mexico border to keep out immigrants and make the Mexican government pay for it.

The guy has no interest in the broader world and isn’t used to listening to anyone but himself. He has zero political experience and has already offended quite a few of America’s allies and, let’s not forget, quite a few Americans, too.

Oh, and the creep thinks his daughter’s hot and wouldn’t mind dating her if they weren’t related. So that’s encouraging.

Trump is also a terrible financial manager. (A gasp from Trump supporters). “But he’s an experienced businessman! He can fix our economy!” they say. Wrong. Let’s get this straight, okay? Donald Trump has filed for bankruptcy protection four times. Four times! In true Trump fashion, of course, the Donald said that those bankruptcy filings were strategic business decisions that enabled him to reorganize his assets and liabilities and make more money in the long run. But even if you buy that BS, you’re basically acknowledging that Trump manipulates the financial system for his own gain. So yeah, it’d be a terrible idea to give him the national purse strings.

Trump also sues everyone who criticizes him or gets in his way. He once sued Palm Beach County for $100 million because they refused to redirect airplanes further away from one of Trump’s estates. He claimed that air traffic was ruining the ambiance near his home. Palm Beach County responded that to move the air traffic would require that the Palm Beach International Airport be relocated. So how can we expect this behavior to translate to the White House, where the president can’t launch a lawsuit every time he doesn’t get what he wants, but has to actually negotiate with people?

Oh, and let’s not forget that Trump is an intolerant and insulting bigot, who has repeatedly insulted women, minorities and immigrants.

America has made quite a bit of progress over the last century regarding women’s rights, racial equality and the lives of people with disabilities and those with sexual preferences beyond a relationship between a man and a woman. The country’s values, while not always what happens in reality, are to be a place where people can succeed despite their background, race, gender, or orientation.

But Trump and Pence are threatening to undue all the progress this country has made and turn back the clock to some very dark times. And quite frankly, I’m terrified. And you should be, too.

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