Non-Athletic Regular Person? I prefer the term Non-Athlete Ready to Party.
Let's be real... according to Al Jazeera less than 2 percent of college athletes go pro. I would consider playing a college sport a waste of my precious time (even if I had the capability of doing so...). Why be under strict rules of a coach when I can enjoy my time wisely? Here's to enjoying the N.A.R.P. life. (Sorry, athletic friends.)
Dry season? Never heard of it.
I can wear whatever I want.
Watching what I eat? I think not.
Cheering our athlete friends on as we sit on the sidelines like...
Listening to athletes complain about how sore they are...
...because we will never understand the love/hate for the sport.
I can go home on the weekend if I wanted to.
We have our own N.A.R.P. gym designated for us.
Athletes don't want to hear us complain about being tired.
Trying to fit in with teammates just doesn't work, and we have accepted it...
...and we embrace standing out at athlete parties.
I know I can't ride my hover-board to class, but I will walk there with pride. Thank you, athletes, for helping me to embrace the N.A.R.P. life, and understand why it's a great one.