Unpopular Opinion: Drugs Should Be Legal
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Unpopular Opinion: Drugs Should Be Legal

Bring on the criticism.

Unpopular Opinion: Drugs Should Be Legal

Most people who will tell you that drugs should be legalized are not saying this for the common benefit of the public. In fact, most of the people I know share this opinion with me, but they would rather see drugs legalized so they can do more drugs.

Yes, this is a somewhat awkward subject to broach, but someone needs to do it.

Smoking pretty much anything is bad for you. It can be cigarettes, tobacco, marijuana, or crack. Inhaling smoke into your lungs is against your health. However, marijuana has been proven to relieve patients of severe symptoms. These range from anxiety, depression, PTSD, and physical pain.

There is no denying at this point that marijuana has health benefits toward patients with mental and physical issues. Esther M Blessing et al. from NCBI states that cannabis strongly supports the process of repairing illnesses such as anxiety and depression. Additionally, the National Cancer Society has found that, in small studies, the intake of marijuana from cancer patients helps with symptoms of chemotherapy and food intake in HIV patients.

While we're on the subject of health benefits, let's talk about some harder drugs that many people cringe when hearing. LSD, or Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, is a compound discovered back in 1938, which has a similar structure to serotonin. For those who do not know, when consumed, LSD distorts time, reality, and visuals.

Since this drug is a Schedule I substance, not much research within the US has been conducted. However, one study led by Matthias E. Liechti of the NCBI reported that, when consumed, LSD gave the effect of increased feelings of empathy, closeness to others, and trust. He also went on to state that it impaired the ability to realize sadness and fear.

This suggests, as many have before me, that LSD could be used therapeutically in and outside of a medical setting to help people with depression, anxiety, and PTSD. The government's chief drug advisor, according to an independent.uk article stated that LSD, ecstasy, and cannabis are all worlds safer than alcohol and cigarettes.

Above is a graph produced by popularscience.com showing what drugs truly kill Americans. Not surprisingly, it is actually the legal ones that do the most damage. Yes, the blue part says unspecified, but it does not include LSD, MDMA, and cannabis as stated below that section. More concerning also is the opioid epidemic. Recently, the numbers have soared in terms of opioid-related deaths in the US. Below depicts these rising numbers, as stated by the New York Times.

In terms of heroin, crack, meth, and all of those types of narcotics, it is harder to argue as to why they should be legal. But really, it comes down to basic human rights and the freedom of choice. If we take a close look as to why the government keeps these drugs on Schedule I, it is for two main reasons.

One, they are unhealthy for you (the ones listed above, not the main three I previously mentioned). This fact can not be disputed, but so is Coca-Cola, McDonald's, and oh, cigarettes and alcohol. So, why not make these things illegal as well? It seems a gross violation of individual freedom to tell citizens they cannot consume something simply because it is bad for you. If nothing else it is outright hypocritical, given the state of sugar and fast food in the United States.

Secondly, the production and distribution of narcotics across the world is so vast and so complicated that the US government has no way of taxing it. If we are being honest, their primary goal below keeping individuals safe is to make money and stabilize our economy. Therefore, if something is un-taxable, it will be illegal.

Speaking of money, according to monarchshores.com, it is estimated that in the past four decades alone, state and federal government has spent over one trillion dollars on the war on drugs. Guess what fellas, people are still doing them.

The argument goes further in being similar to the one I made for gun laws. The people who are dying from drugs are doing it, regardless of whether it is from legal substances or not. Heroin, pharmaceuticals, it does not matter. Drugs have become such a norm for society that its lack of legality is a non-issue for users, regardless of what drugs you consume.

Individuals argue that drugs being legal would destroy the country. Unfortunately, that claim has no grounds unless it is proven, and the only plausible way to prove that is to legalize drugs.

However, full legalization in a matter of years is not a good concept. The idea needs to be eased into which leads way to decriminalization and eventually full legalization. With regulation and statute that controls when and where individuals can consume drugs, its legalization could benefit people beyond measure.

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